The code

Thou shalt never lie and always remain faithful to thy word in all things.

Thou shalt carry thyself with honor and never return dishonor with dishonor.

Thou shalt respect and uphold the laws of your King and Country.

Thou shalt show compassion and always be in service to the people.

Thou shalt protect the weak, and constitute thyself the defender of them.

Thou shalt bridle thy wrath, and unleash it against corrupt and evil without cessation.

Thou shalt everywhere and always be the champions of the good and the right against injustice.

Know it, believe it, live it. This is the gaden code of chivalry. I look forward to meeting some of you for the first time, and seeing others again.

Sir Durthang, Knight of the Baroness
I know i'll always supposed to listen to knights and such and I'll really try I guess, but I'm not any good at the defending thing, and I've never been any good at wrathful stuff. What I've heard of the corrupt scares me and I dunno if I can be of any help against them, I mean, I'd like to but they are so much stronger and meaner than I am...

I...I'm sorry if I can't do what I'm supposed to, I don't mean to be unhelpful.

Sir Durthang

please contact me as soon as you are able i wish to speak with you

may your blade always strike true

I will also add here, in an effort to help and make clear to everyone you can expect Gaden nobility of at least the rank of Knight to wear large wide white belts. Higher ranks of nobility may wear a circlet and it is our intention for Squires to wear prominent red belts. It seemed that this information was not yet well know so I thought I would try to help make that clear, please inform you friends.

Jehyu do not worry if you cannot always fulfill the strictures of this code. It is not expected that every commoner would live out this code but rather that this is the code the nobility hold themselves too.

Raven, I will be in touch.

To all, well fought! You showed your commitment to the crown and the Baroness Shademarch to be clear and strong, may we fight many battles together!

In service to Baroness Shademarch
- Sir Durthang
Sir Durthang,

I'm sure it's a very nice crown, but that's not what I was fighting for and without knowing the person who wears it, I'm not going to make any commitment to it.

Child of Autumn
Prince Tallian Great Man. He fighter with abillity to gift life. When we fix him many dying, many dead, many dissipate, Gorka dead, Prince Life to Gorka. Prince even help guide spirit back though difficult Obliteration. Prince strong healer and Strong warrior.

Healer and Disjuncter
Any one who lives and walks in the land of Gaden of any race is under the rule and law of the Royal family of Gaden. I am sure others can speak to you in more detail about this as Gorka has already started to do.

The battles we have won this past day have protected the peoples of Gaden and even many lands beyond our borders even if you do not know it.

- Sir Durthang
Indeed, Prince Talon is a great man. He does his duty well, and I've never known a better Prince. And while the Prince himself is a powerful fighter and healer, I know he is not without compassion. He is truly a man worth fighting for. I do understand where you are coming from Briar, I used to think the same way. As Sir Durthang has said, there are some here who are willing to explain in detail to you about the events that have transpired.

~Brother Icey
Healer of the Earth Guild
Leader of the Brotherhood of Light
Sir Durthang and ozhers,

I must say zhat zhere are plenty of reasons to fight in zhese battles, not just of loyalty to zhe crown. Vhile you may be firm in your faizh to zhe crown, ozhers who may not have met or served under him directly may place ozher loyalties above zhat of zheir country in zheir minds. Zhe people zhey protect are more often zhe reason zhey fight zhan zhe obligation to royalty zhat represents zhem. In zhe end, zhe people are zhe vones ve fight for. I believe zhis is zhe distinction zhat Briar vas trying to convey.

Roy Gallentine
Roy has it right.
