The Corrupt

Good people of Hope's Reach and Shademarch,

I am inclined to believe that the corrupt are going to continue to be one of the biggest enemies for this region to contend with. For this reason, I would like to learn as much as possible about them - in so doing - to learn more about their weaknesses and how to best defeat them. Any insight that adventurers can provide would be appreciated.

In particular, the Greater Quadel, and the Dark Horse recountings would be useful in comparison to the general smaller corrupt ecology.

My hope is that at the least - we will have gathered information that will be useful for those who come to this region and have not encountered the corrupt before; and at best - through pooled accounts we might produce a more sound way to combat them.
Squire Victor,

As you might know, and if you don't I'm sure many other people will tell you, I am the local authority when it comes to the Corrupt's strengths and weaknesses, both of the lesser and greater varieties. I have fought them extensively and done lots of observational research, compiling my findings into a booklet known as the Codex of Known Corruption. However, it is highly unwise to discuss these matters in open, given that unfriendly ears may hear us and learn things we do not want them to know we know. Contact me privately and we may discuss these matters further.

May the Light guide you, and the Shadow guard your path,
~ Gandian Ravenscroft
Corrupt Slayer and Researcher
ha ha ha...

You 'think' the corrupt are only going to be 'one' of the biggest enemies you are going to have to contend with little fancy pants mr. new 'squire'? Whatever that ridiculous title means... I can assure you, as it seems you understand but little of what 'toes' all you foolish so called adventurers are treading upon we will be more than just 'one' of the threats you face... What you don't seem to realize is that you can't ever win against us... You may kill us once, or twice, or win on the field of battle for a day... But I assure you punishment is just delayed... We will see you all again in due time...

Oh and you Gandian? I heard about that little 'trick' you have now... Whatever you think you know in some little book... I doubt it is a tithe of what the truth really is... We know your name. We do not forget.

- Corrupt Coatl

(posted by a SoMN plot staff member)
Hey Smelly bald head feather butt! Gorka gonna kill you till it sticks.

- Gorka
The last sword you will every see
Hmph, foolish corrupt. Ve are all avare zhat you are are our immortal foes. Ve of Gaden have fought you our entire lives and ve alvays vill. You say zhat our punishment has only been delayed, but I assure you zhat ve ourselves are far from done. Ve vill not stop vith your toes, but push onvard until ve have stabbed zhe 'eart, cut off zhe head, and burned zhe entire body. Ve vill do zhis for everyzhing you zhrow at us until you are all gone, or ve all are. You may know vone of our names, but you best believe zhat vhen you are dead it vill be all of us standing over your dead carcass!

- A very angry Roy Gallentine
Yah then Gorka will pee on it too.

- Gorka
Do you know me as well Coatl? I'd like to say I remember all of the corrupt I've met, professional courtesy and all it's nice to know who's blood stains your sword at the end of the day, but by the hundredth or so they all start to blend together in my mind. I do hope your feeling better since that little incident in the grasslands, that must have been awkward to explain to the buddies back home huh?

Disrespectfully yours, York Winters
I would, just like to point out the obvious to those who, may not have realized this. It seems that they had learned the use of the dream realm. I ask all to watch your tongue and use more secure routs in the coming days.

And to the corrupt, you have taken friends and family from me. No mater how unending your numbers may be, remember who broke your lines and returned OUR prince. We will push back your line.

Fredrick Crawford
Black Wolves Arcanist
While we all grand-stand, allow me to extend a word of advice, which i assure you will only be remembered as your house of cards comes falling around your deafened ears, Fear the Future, Fear the Coming

~Gabriel Di Greoni
Great, it's already bad enough I have to see them in the waking realm, but now the dream realm too...
They have always been able to use the dreaming, it is simply that they rarely if ever choose to communicate with us through it.
Also remember not only the corrupt use the dreaming, but all sorts of other creatures and nuisances are connected as well. And even adventures from other lands, so perhaps even evils from other lands have access.
So I state again the warning - The Dream Realm is NOT secure for any sort of sensitive, secret, or tactically important information.
If you need to speak about these issues, communication through pigeon, Currier, or meeting at a location such as the tavern, is best.

With honor always,
Squire Thorador Boulderfist
speaking of courriers, remember everyone, I'm here for all your messenger needs (starting after next market day). sorry, saw a perfect chance to advertise and had to use it.
Deoman the Runner.
My sword will not stop till all corrupt dead for good. This my land now. I stay here, I help rid it of you. Best you forget stupid sky magic man's name.
