The Crafting Gallery! A challenge for the Ages!


Citizenry of Roskaria, Gaden, Pretorak, and distinguished guests,

It is with great pride that I am charged to announce the inclusion of the Crafting Gallery at the recently announced Gryphon Tournament! This event is held only at the request of the royal family of Roskaria once in a decade. Prepare yourself, for your greatness and ingenuity will be under scrutiny! Only the greatest craftsman and craftswomen dare participate, but the reward is greater still for the victorious artisan!

Allow me to explain. If you are a proficient student of a practical craft (IG skills) you may enter your concepts or drafts to be judged by the attendees of the Gryphon Tournament. Some of the greatest marvels and inventions stem from this competition each time it is held. You are given 5 days, from today, to draft up plans and explanations for your theory or invention. These plans and explanations will be displayed for the attendees of the Gryphon Tournament to review, and eventually vote on. Voting will take place during the banquet feast, and a victor will be awarded the greatest prize a craftsman or craftswomen could imagine! That is right crafters, Patronage is at stake! Imagine not having a care in the world but your work, and knowing that you were researching for someone who was truly interested in your progress! If you are not interested in the award of Patronage an alternate prize has been prepared.

Remember craftsman and craftswomen, only proficient skill is required to participate. All entries must be submitted either upon registration for the tournament, or within 1 hour of arrival to the tournament grounds if you find your wagon or horse delayed. All entries must include an explanation of concept, as well as at least rough visuals to assist attendees with conceptualizing your theory. There are no limits to the creative muses or devices you are to present. A working prototype is not required. One entry per practical craft, per crafter. You may combine your crafting skills within one entry, however each craft involved is than considered entered in the Crafting Gallery for the sake of assessing eligible entries.

If you have any questions or deliberations please do not hesitate to present them. This is a tradition of Roskarian Tournaments, and it is not assumed that you are familiar with the nuances of this event.

Pleasant greetings,

Henry Balthomari, Second Scribe to the Royal Family of Roskaria.
((OOG Clarification: This event is meant for production skills. If you have CO's feel free to work them into your ideas, however in order to have an entry into the event you have to have a production skill tied to your concept. Example: Jim the blacksmith submits plans for a super dense metal that crushes foes with massive damage, but is brittle and will break after 10 blows. in his explanation he cites his CO: Metallurgy to give more weight and explanation to how this metal was formed. Jim would not be able to submit this to the Crafting Gallery if he just had CO: Metallurgy, and no ranks in blacksmith.))