The Darastrix


I warned you all, I warned you about the calamaty that was sure to follow the slaying of the great mist beast. You ignored me and now one of the Darastrix stirs again. Can you feel it on the wind, can you taste the shift in the magics? When the dark elves, the Drae, and their secretive elite Ingoeth who will slay those that even learn their title, release the Darastrix upon you, remember that it was Merrick that warned you!

Don't believe me? I found this tale in my library, written long ago, yer welcome to get a copy, I'll pidgeon one to anyone that wants a physical copy. I don't know most of the words, it's written in an older tongue. But I do recognize the Ingoeth, and that's not a good sign.

The Harroc had climbed the wall and slain Achuak,
The Harroc had pierced the veil woven by Ulhar,
The Harroc had bested Charir in combat,
The Harroc had overcome the servants of Aujir,
Four of the Darastrix had fallen to the Harroc.
Only Vutha, the dask remained.
Vutha entrusted the Vrantvrak to the Ingoeth
Vutha challenged the Harroc like no other.
The Harroc was challenged with arcaniss,
The Harroc was challenged with trekis,
The Harroc was challenged with jesk,
The Harroc was challenged with darak.
Through it all The Harroc stood unharmed.
The Harroc laid Vutha low as he had the others.
Vutha laid her ivah upon the suaco. To aid a jimsir vrantvrak

Guard well the gift of Vutha,
Lay your life down for the safety of its secret.
Pour the blood of your household into the path of those that would seek it.
Forsake bonds of blood, Honor, and your Spirit itself should it grant safetly.
Tend to the vrantvrak whatever the cost.
For within lays vengeance,
For within lays victory,
For within lays the upholding of an ancient oath.

-Merrick The Sage

You are to do well to fear the honorable Vornae of the Ingoeth. I will not speak more of the Ingoeth nor the Darastrix here, suffice it to say if you encounter them, your continued existence depends on how much respect and humility you show. If there is even the slightest perception of dishonor you will be struck down without mercy.

You have been warned.

Arcanist Dure'dhel
If the Ingoeth are so elite, how did they manage to lose the Vrantvrak?

Just sayin'

-Hunter Davion
Davion, we no have enough enemy already? You really want start this? Me trust word of Honorable Arcanist Dure'dhel.

-Cho Ko Nu
I understand you may have, skepticism, with this issue. But it is possibly wiser to avoid being involved if that is indeed how you feel. I cannot say for certain if you can avoid dealing with this, but sometimes a smart decision is to back away from things you do not yet understand, just don't turn away from it. Trust me on this.

Izz'Rak Auvry'urden
Can someone explain in smaller words what go on here? I not master of common speak yet. But sound like they strong fighters that need knowing about.

Unless language has changed a lot since before the Sleep, I assure you that most of that is not the Common tongue.

The Vornae, what Dark Elves call themselves, are going to be dealing with the adventurers directly soon. Adventurers who act without honor or are just plain dumb will get punished. With all respect Kendra Tribesfolk, to use your words; Dumb talk or action and you wake up in earth circle.

Izz'Rak Auvry'urden.
Dark Elves aside, has anyone bothered to translate any of this? Arcaniss is referenced in some older texts as 'Magic' and I'm almost certain that I heard one of our more ridiculously dressed new members bragging about how the blue on his cloak was a special shade called 'Ulhar' he bought from someone or another. It sounds like Ingoeth currently means a Dark elf of some stripe.

-Endikar Darkmason
Celestialist of Gaden, who knows what my current title is with the shake up going on.
If someone does have a translation, I dare say, do not leave it hanging in the dream realms for the corrupt to see.

-Squire Thorador Boulderfist