The Dark Valkeyrie


Are we doing something about it? If so, when?

Casters need to know ahead of time to prepare spell lists.

Anything else we should know?

Ardos and I plan to deal with this at the first market day. Sooner rather than later but waiting on my own guild mates may be the issue the first night. I will post more after talking with Tadron.

One thing of great importance to me... the first time we fought a lieutenant I resurrected and lost several items. As we have killed to lieutenants I have gotten all of the items back except one. I want it known that if a silver necklace with the blue and black heart charm is found, it is not treasure. It was stolen from my dissipated corpse and I want it back.

The lieutenants have all had minions some alchemists, others casters and fighters. It sounds like the Dark Valkyrie used non-corporeal creatures to help her steal the spirit of Ardos's teacher.

I will post more as I learn more.

Aggravating does not begin to scratch the surface of the information I have gathered about the Dark Valkyrie. While I was splitting time between supporting my tribe and hunting her she replaced all 3 of her lieutenants. I have been sensing them not her. The only good news I have is that I know the location of all three of the lieutenants. This does not change my plans only delays. I intent to go after one or two Friday night.

Who will join me to end this plague on our lands?

Spirits guide your way,
You know I stand with you. I'm prepared to do whatever we need to end this. If she wants to siphon away her own power into new lieutenants to delay us, it will be one more wall we need to take down. May our shields protect us as we finish what you've worked so hard on.
Addis Irani