The Dryad Blight


Chicago Staff
One week ago the Dryads of Shademarch were on their last limbs of hope. One week ago the Dryads were almost lost to the blight. I can safely say, that now, one week later, the Dryads have been cleansed of such a blight. As many of you know, the Dryads were being infected by a blight caused by the necromantic Attercobs. However, the Dryads were informed of an attack on their grove, and the adventurers of Shademarch stood to hold down the assault long enough for me to cast an Eternal Forest upon the land in a 2 mile radius that cured all the Dryads in the area of their blight. The tree I cast the ritual upon will prove as a shining example of what strength and unity of a people can do in the most dire of situations. I feel with this act, that good has triumphed against the tainted arts, and that hope is renewed.

An Eternal thank you goes out to the Earth Guild of Gaden, and my fellow comrades for assisting with this cure. Without your compassion and willingness to assist the Dryads, I fear they would have all met a cruel and bitter end.

It has been a year of reflecting, and a year of new perspectives. I feel I can finally return to be with my people, to be one with my people again after such a victory. Thus, in 3 weeks time, I, Asher the Elf, will be one no longer, and Asher the Child of Autumn, will be reborn again under the tree that people.

- Asher Oakheart