The Fatespinner's Office (2017 Season)

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Zanthia is working away in her office, reading and replying to correspondence with the other Masters. Next, there's big stack of official requests for cross training with the Arcane Sanctum. She's not surprised at the amount of interest, but is also a little concerned. First spaces of course will go to Masters, after verifying their capabilities and responsibilities. Those that have just joined will have a long way to go before consideration. First they have to prove themselves and earn their ranks.
Approaching the door of the Fatespinner's chambers Tengu knocks on the door, three quick raps, and waits.
"Enter." Zanthia calls from her desk, looking up as the door opens. "Ah, Tengu. Please have a seat." She finishes her writing and sets it aside.

"I understand you have decided not to continue your training?"
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"Thank you for meeting with me so quickly Lady Zanthia." Taking the offered seat Tengu takes a moment to collect his thoughts.
"It is not specifically that I have decided to not continue my training; as you are well aware when I first joined the Earth Weavers I began on the Scholarly path, contemplated the Templar path, but finally settled on the Adept path for my focus. It was during this time I was attempting to discover where my particular skills and disposition would serve the most benefit and it was along this course of training that I chose to focus. Over the past two years defending these lands on the front lines, fighting many foes and working closely with a varied group of allies, certain gaps in skills became apparent. It is in working to my own strengths that I am now able to offer what I believe to be the greatest benefit to the group as a whole.
I make no excuse for how I did seek promotion just prior to having a Spirit Forge Ritual cast by Master Quynn, only stating that I had put in my request for promotion in November of last year. At that time I did not know what the following year would have in store or what would come of discussions I would have with other adventurers. I do still intend to continue my training but it is becoming more and more difficult to learn new skills as time goes on.
The decision of course rests with you but I do strongly believe that as we draw closer to the Dark Reaches we need every person applying their greatest strength towards the battles ahead, much as with the recent proclamation that some may receive special permissions to learn Celestial magics. As it stands now I believe that I am better able to fight the forces of Al'Zoon using a sword, shield, considerable magics, and my recently awakened latent mental abilities than I could have being a slightly better skirmisher or archer. If this is to mean that I am to be demoted than so be it; I would rather keep my allies alive in these dark times than seek a greater position within the guild. I do wish it were not so but the rules are the rules after all and it falls to you to enforce them."

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Zanthia puts up her hand to stop him. "Please do not presume to tell me what I do and do not know. One of the abilities I have learned with my training is how to read a person's aura. And in reading yours, you no longer even qualify for Shadow. When you joined the Earth Weavers and asked for training with Earth magic, you knew full well of the responsibilities that you were to give to us in exchange of that knowledge. When you reforged, you blatantly removed your training, thus reneging on your oath to us.

While you have been an asset to the Earth Weavers, this deliberate snubbing of the requirements cannot be ignored as it sets a very negative precedent. What you have done is an abuse of our training and guild structure. You cannot expect to dump your required training and keep your rank. It's not supposed to be easy to obtain leadership positions; they have to be earned. Learning new skills becomes more difficult for everyone as they progress; you are not special in this.

You will be subjected to another spirit forge. The outcome is your choice: relearn your skills to fulfill the requirements of your rank of Executor of the Inner Circle; keep them as you have them now and you will be demoted to the appropriate rank with appropriate training for that rank; or leave the guild altogether and be free to follow a non-magical path. Should you choose the latter, we will of course be confiscating your spell book and removing all magical knowledge. I urge you to carefully consider your choices, once expelled from the guild, you will not be accepted into either.

You have not yet come close to the front lines. You are indeed headed there, but have not yet seen the horrors the real war has in store. This conflict cannot be won by a single hero; it will require the efforts of all, following the rules, not attempting to circumvent them."
Tengu bows his head and his shoulders slump, the Biata looking thoroughly chagrined. Having been so put in his place by one he respected had demonstrated to him that what he had believed was his responsibility was in fact not.

"I... deeply apologize for any offence I have offered and overstepping my bounds. I have always held the Earth Weavers in the highest regard and have attempted to support our order in all ways and though I have asked for guidance in the past for the most part I have been left to my own devices, to determine my own path. This was my error; I should have insisted on guidance so that my path would not stray as it has.

I do not wish to leave the Earth Weavers, it is within our organization that I call my home. As is your will I will accept the Spirit Forge and refocus, ensuring that I am entirely in line with the requirements for Executor; however I request that I be demoted to Shadow as that it is apparent that I still have much to learn and to not be promoted until it has been demonstrated that I understand my responsibilities and am fully prepared to uphold all that we stand for. Following a reforge may I please request to be put in contact with a Master of Whispers or and Executor who will be able to continue my training?"
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I am relieved to hear you wish to remain in the guild. You should have consulted with me before the reforge. Begging forgiveness is more difficult than asking for permission. If you would have done so, the outcome may have been different.

Your request to be demoted to Shadow shows wisdom, and I agree this is the best compromise. You can earn your way back to Executor in time. The spirit forge will retrain you but also limit your casting to that of the Shadow Rank, you do understand this?

As for requesting a trainer, I also agree this is a good idea. However it will be difficult to find a Master of Whispers that has the time to take on another student, especially considering your current remote posting. For now, I will have another Earth Weaver also posted at Fort Shaundalar take you on. With closer ties to the Home Guard, I’m sure we can arrange someone for your non-magical training as well.
"My thanks Fatespinner. In learning of the magics possible I became overenthused and thus can see now that I overreached. There are steps to be taken before what I have pursued. I'm certain that with training I will become more worthy of an Earth Weaver."
"Remain dedicated and you will earn your rank back before you head out to the front. Now, what is it you wanted to talk about?"
"There were several matters I wished to report to you on. First is an interesting discovery in the lands around the Fort. Creatures were carrying interesting mechanical devices which I had seen late last year when we had been sent to the realm of Emperor Boris, Trap Globes, usable by Trap Smiths. There were two types found, one which Shatters items and one which can Silence an individual. I have been working to reverse engineer them and, if successful, would like to train others within the Guild on their creation. When speaking with Nana she said that we have never had a Trap Workshop so I am uncertain whether there are many Trap Smiths within our ranks but I wished to offer them here first. Do you believe these would be of benefit? And, if so, might it be possible to build a workshop within the Enclave? I would be willing to fund this if necessary."
"That is interesting news. some residual magic may followed your group through the dimensions. It would be useful to study it. As for a trap workshop, there are currently no available spaces in Calenhelm, and such a change would have to be discussed between the Masters. You are of course free to build your own outside the guild hall."
"In that case I will continue my study. If ever a time comes that any within the Guild desire training I will provide it.

As we had discussed at the last gathering I have built a new chest with a lock integrated. Would it be possible to receive the Render Indestructible Improved ritual and Circle Lock ritual we had spoken of? I will be able to deliver them to Master Isawda upon my return."
"Understood. If they need anything I will do my best to fulfill their request. It is I who have made the appeal after all."

(Gone to PM)
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