Zanthia puts up her hand to stop him. "Please do not presume to tell me what I do and do not know. One of the abilities I have learned with my training is how to read a person's aura. And in reading yours, you no longer even qualify for Shadow. When you joined the Earth Weavers and asked for training with Earth magic, you knew full well of the responsibilities that you were to give to us in exchange of that knowledge. When you reforged, you blatantly removed your training, thus reneging on your oath to us.
While you have been an asset to the Earth Weavers, this deliberate snubbing of the requirements cannot be ignored as it sets a very negative precedent. What you have done is an abuse of our training and guild structure. You cannot expect to dump your required training and keep your rank. It's not supposed to be easy to obtain leadership positions; they have to be earned. Learning new skills becomes more difficult for everyone as they progress; you are not special in this.
You will be subjected to another spirit forge. The outcome is your choice: relearn your skills to fulfill the requirements of your rank of Executor of the Inner Circle; keep them as you have them now and you will be demoted to the appropriate rank with appropriate training for that rank; or leave the guild altogether and be free to follow a non-magical path. Should you choose the latter, we will of course be confiscating your spell book and removing all magical knowledge. I urge you to carefully consider your choices, once expelled from the guild, you will not be accepted into either.
You have not yet come close to the front lines. You are indeed headed there, but have not yet seen the horrors the real war has in store. This conflict cannot be won by a single hero; it will require the efforts of all, following the rules, not attempting to circumvent them."