The Sett suffer for your indiscreations


I hear once again the voices of outsiders to our lands, the last time I heard such arrogant mumblings was the day the Slithercarin was felled. This is only the first of many beasts that were kept peaceful, sleeping under the snake's watch.

You came, you disrespected our ways and lashed out in anger, and now the Sett suffer for your actions, or the actions of your forebearers. I hope you are proud of yourselfs and you actions.

The light snow landing upon the branches of the tress of the wild speaks of poor omens, I suspect more suffering is to be had.

Now I will be silent so you may begin your denials and explanations of how this is not your fault.

Warrior of the Lambentous
Ha! Your tribe tink everyting in da winds means somethin terrible is gonna come. GRONK watched a Lambentous guy argue wit an Auerie shaman for like a hour sayin' da north wind meant all da good game was leavin', but da shaman read da winds da RIGHT way and knew it meant an early spring was comin'. Even after da shaman beat da Tribesman down in a duel he wouldn't admit da shaman was right.

GRONK wasn't dere for da slither thing, but it sounds to me like dere was a big monster and people killed it and now da other big monsters ain't scared to come out. Dat don't mean dey shoulda left da big monster around, dat just means dere's more work to be done. But I wanna see da four bears dey used to kill a giant snake ting, dat sounds impressive.


I would like to point out that perhaps this has been caused by us somehow. Perhaps whatever this Slithercarin was kept this new creature at bay. But if this Slithercarin had to be slain and this new creature is another threat to overcome, then that is how it shall be and you with your superstition should see that.

There will always be an enemy, regardless of the circumstances. The Corrupt, the Empire, this turtle-thing, all are enemies we must vanquish. And when they are gone something else will rise up to take power. That's how life is. Something is always keeping something else at bay, and after you've vanquished the bigger threat, the other will emerge and will cause strife and everyone will cry for assistance and aid, and who will provide? We will.

I don't care if a thousand monsters are released for slaying one, I will slay them all to protect those who cannot protect themselves. If I die doing this, so be it. I died with honor and glory in battle, and all that I can do is resurrect and return to either slay the beast, or continue to wake up in the circle. I'm not saying it isn't our fault, I'm saying that it will be taken care of, regardless of blame. If you can't appreciate that, then please take a vow of silence, for none would wish to hear such words emerge from you lips again!

Thank you for your so called wisdom Kalgin of the Lambentous, your words hold as much weight to me as does the feather on a scale. May the cold weather bring you much superstition.

Kaurzr aya leib,

-Thorgrim Stoneaxe, of the Runebinder Clan
Honorable Kalgin, fellow warrior and tribesman,

Forgive these adventurers. They no know what they talk about. They no know about Great Slithercarin, Great Protector of Wilds, that adventurers of past decide kill for no reason, just because he seem dangerous and they no like him, when he only dangerous for those that want do harm to Wilds.

They no know how action without thinking, action without knowing, and how bad actions shape worse future. Adventurers face him again at Trial of Memories two years past, and it seem they still forget lesson of no be hostile and lash out at others without good knowledge of past or good reason for fight. They quick with mouths when should be quick with ears and patient with weapon.

It be scales of Slithercarin that need be part of great weapon of past that help defeat Forsaken, and instead of ask him for some, adventurers needed look for corpse. It be tragic mistake and need be remember why Great Slithercarin fell! Never forget Great Slithercarin, Peacekeeper of Wilds!

So Adventurers me say this: You now must pay for mistakes of past adventurers and slay turtlebeast. You owe it for Wilds. You owe it for Slithercarin. You owe it for Sett. You owe it for you quick words and faster weapons.

Kalgin be right, and you need listen.

Me travel fast as me can, and hope make it there before it be too late.

-Cho Ko Nu
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Me sorry me no make there in time. Me caught in powerful ice storm. Me suspect unnatural elemental sky magic again. Hope adventurers be helpful and me want hear tale of defeat of Turtle at next gather.

-Cho Ko Nu
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It is good story. I will tell you next I see you.
-Ragnarok (aka wagglerock squagglepuss)