The Talons of Gaden - A special weapon taking orders


So um, I've been holding onto a recipe for awhile and have offered it some, but I thought now might be a good time to really put it to good use.

The recipe lets you hit people really really hard once, Like as hard as Durel'del got mad and hit you with a Dragons Breath, and a Lightning Storm both at once (I think he can do that).

So anyway the recipe takes components to make, but I've been saving and can contribute those, I'm gonna batch like 3 times in order to make as many as I can, maybe even four batches if needed.

I can make a Talon of Gaden into any weapon, and the weapon is still good after you use it, but the extra sharpness can only be used once in forever.

So um, I'm going to offer them for 5 Gold a piece, I can't made them super strong or silver, at least not during the time I'm making them I'll be too busy. They can be anything from a Long bow, to a Club, or a knife, or sword. It's an extra 5 silver if you need a bigger weapon like a giant club or sword cause I'll have to batch so many times.

...Does anyone want one?

Hello Jehyu,

Interesting, is this a coating good for only the first swing or is it one time ever?

Walk with Honor,
~Squire Victor von Gryphon
Well it's once ever at your choice, but it's done really careful so it doesn't expend unless you hit your target, I think it hits hard enough that you'll probably slay what ever it is yer made at.

If anyone knows for sure they want one of these let me know, once I make the weapons I can't change what they are after all.

Mr Jehyu,
I vould love to get my hands on vone of zose potions. Vhen will you be selling zhese?

I'm sure I'll be in sometime on Friday night with stuff. Maybe not quite as early as some folk get there though.

I am very interested, but unfortunately due to my mate's recovery and helping take care of 2 young cubs, I won't be able to attend. Mayhaps we can arrange a delivery?

Warrior of the Tribe of the White Tail
Member of the Defenders of the Azure Keep
What time vill you be in town on saturday Jehyu?

Probably around Dinner I think.
