These voices...?


I'm sure you've all heard the voices too. Does anyone know about this Eternal Fortress or Guardian's Seat? And what is this needle they talk about...?


This "needle" they refer to is the needle of a compass that points the way to weapons that will destroy the corrupt forever. However, we need to build the compass in order to utilize the needle.

The Corrupt can NEVER be destroyed forever. You're death is near.

- Coatl
That's probably true Coatl, but individual corrupt, like you, are easily dispatched to a permanent death.

Hunter Davion
Coatl, your grammar is atrocious. You should be saying Your, not you are. 'You are death is near,' does not make any sense.

Asher, I deduced that much, but I was wondering WHAT the needle exactly was and how it's leading us there...

Icey why you help him talk good? Why you help Corrupt? Be better ignore weak words of weaker Corrupt.

-Cho Ko Nu