This is the post that never ends (Again)


Alliance Rules
Gettysburg Staff
In memory of Spare and all that he stood for...

So, what's going on?

Not too much, Just checking out the new boards...
I don't know if I like the new setup to reply to things tho...
Yeah... I'm a little unimpressed with the whole "need to load a new page to post a reply" bit myself... but I guess we'll just suffer through... 8-)
Let's blame Spare for that and see if he shows up to defend himself! ;)
Thanks Mike... but I think i'd rather blame Spare.
Well long ago in Ashbury there was a Dennis Higgins (Poolboy on the old boards) and then one day another Higgins came along. And Scott said, "Good, now if this one breaks, we have a Spare!" And from then on the new Higgins was known as Spare Higgins even long after that happened.

It was probably much funnier than that, and may have happened slightly differently, but that's pretty close.

tieran said:
In memory of Spare and all that he stood for...

So, what's going on?


I don't think Spare stood for much, infact didn't shy away from anyhitng requiring effort........... :lol:
Marcena said:
What's a Spare?

not a what, more of a who, although he did remind me of Horton in ways............
Fearless Leader said:
Everybody's a newbie again! It's like a low-level event!

LOL... I think the funniest is you though!

This is the post that never ends, it just goes on and on my friend. Some people started posting it not knowing what it was and they'll continue posting it forever just because.....
*perk* Punch and pie? :!:
Pokethulu said:
This is the post that never ends, it just goes on and on my friend. Some people started posting it not knowing what it was and they'll continue posting it forever just because.....

See the weird thing is...
I knew exactly what it was.
I could have let it die an ignoble death...
but I didn't.

Which is really weird for me, come to think of it...

I don't know that I would really categorize rebuilding this post as an act of mercy...

Or that I'd put leaving it out of here as one either...

Personally, I think it was probably inevitable that it would end up here, so I was just making sure it was by me ;-)
