To Adventurer's and Knowledge Seekers!


Colorado Staff
A call to all those who seek knowledge and treasure!
Ancient ruins have recently been discovered on the northern edge of the wastes and I, Bogart Sherwood, would like to invite you to seek your fortune in these ruins.

If you have a need for a bed, or perhaps a place to unload your treasure while you visit the region please visit my trading post and Inn the Dusty Traveler, the last stop before the endless desert of the Waste!
If you wish to stay in the Inn proper there will be a small fee. This fee will be charged either on a per head basis or by full room rental. There are three rooms available for purchase in my Inn, each able to accommodate multiple people.

You may set up camp around the Dusty Traveler for free, I just ask that you respect my property and authority, and avoid violent conflict.
Lastly, the local earth circle belongs to me. I will grant access to those that need use of the circle. I have some helpers that can let anyone who needs in to the circle, in to the circle.

May the dust of your travels,
Ever keep you company,
Bogart Sherwood
Proprietor of The Dusty Traveler
My most excellent Sherwood,

Whilst you mention the nearest Earth Circle, may I inquire regarding the nearest Permanent Celestial Circle of Power to the Dusty Traveler? It is always nice to know of such things, especially if any find fortune within the ruins, as you expect us to attempt.

May the Light guide you, and the Shadow guard your path,
~ Gandian Ravenscroft
Warlock of the Royal Celestial Guild of Gaden
A local by the name of Corwyn Ebongard has claim to the only local celestial circle. He is known as a fair, but neutral, broker of information, and he charges a small fee for the use of identifying magical items.
I hope this satisfies your curiosity.

May the dust of you travels,
Ever keep you company,
Bogart Sherwood
Rask, Chieftain of Sandstorm tribe, invite you to stay da hell outta my tribe's roo-ins. We was here first.

Son of Grishnakh the Mighty
Marked Champion and Chieftain of Sandstorm Tribe
Bogart, if I may inquire, would you be willing at all to set up a temporary investment into your circle for possibly a couple of healers? It would make it immensely easier on yourself and your helpers if we're not asking in and out of your circle every time we need in and out of it. We could offer compensation for allowing us this huge favor.

Rask, we decline that invitation, my apologies.

~Brother Icey
More fortune seekers? Oh bother... Well, can you at least make yourself useful while you're here? ...Just don't touch that. Or this... or for that matter, any of my equipment. These are fragile contraptions made by elves that far surpass your tiny intellec... hey are you even listening? *Muttering* I swear, attention span of a gnat.

Why can't anyone who appreciates the beauty of a well balanced cog show up? Between all the resistance these forsaken high orcs and biata are giving me, I could use a hand around here!

Alarenor Guyel Kam Alua
2nd Chapterhouse Patron
Brother Icey,

Not to put too fine a point on it, but with all these smooth-talking opportunists coming around recently, who seem to be chasing after the wealth of the adventurers, I am not one to be subjected to a silk-tongued proposition at the cost of my hard-earned resources.

However, I am always open to a mutually beneficial arrangement. As compensation for the most generous use of my circle, what do you have to offer?

May the dust of you travels,
Ever keep you company,
Bogart Sherwood

I warned you not to tell anyone, these ruins are ours, no one elses.
How dare you attempt to profit on the bones of my ancestors!
To those who seek fortune, there is nothing to see here, just some dusty old ruins that only matter to those who care about history.

-Chester Hawkins
4th Chair of the Silver Falcons