To Any who wish to learn

All unaligned warriors,

This is something I used to do but have fallen out of the habit of doing over the last two years. In the past, I would see to the teaching of an individual or two for a gather. Not that I'm a gift to all warriors but Shademarch's leaders and most veteran fighters are dotted with folks who have worked with me in the past. I've decided, with some many people new to town, to try this again and help a new crop of fighters emerge.

I will only consider only 1 or 2 people for this so I can provide proper attention.

If you are selected this is what you can expect:

  • I will share all spoils equitably and ensure you have the equipment to get the job done.

    In every battle, whether my battle "buddy" or someone elses, you will have a specific job to do. I will expect you to do it.

    I will discuss your fighting style openly and offer advice. I expect you to listen and be open minded.

    I will bring you in on my tactical decision making when able. If not, I will talk about it afterwards.

    Expect to have yourself tested, I mean to put you in harms way. While I go to great lengths to retrieve a fallen warrior. I cannot guarantee your safety, anyone who says they can is a liar.

    I will not be able to convey so many years of experience in so little time without your dedication and without your persistence.

I am not looking for healers and casters. While they have their place and I appreciate their worth more than most. I don't presume to teach you better than your guild leaders, Asher and Duredhel who know far better than I what their business is. As for why I seek unaligned adventurers it is because I do not wish to interrupt the training or work you currently do with your current guild. If you are aligned to a guild and wish to participate in this, please let me know and ensure your guild master agrees to it.

All that said, I can take on anyone who has skills as a warrior and is currently developing a weapon style. I will take anyone at any level of experience. Do not let your lack of experience fool you into not taking up your chance. This is a chance to gain experience, knowledge, and insight.


Fern Woods

This sounds like an interesting offer. If I may be so bold I would like to take advantage of your tutelage. I am not familiar with these lands and it would be nice to know someone who is. With the added benefit of learning a thing or two in the process. Do you know when you will be able to make an appearance at the market?

looking forward to it,


Your offer interests me, I would enjoy discussing this with you at the upcoming market day if you are in attendance.

-Thorgrim Stoneaxe, of the Runebinder Clan
Know Nakira would be honored to learn from Fern and help him, though also know Nakira's allegiance cannot be promised completely.

Seek your master's approval but I sense this wont be an issue.
