To New Horizons or A Blast from the Past


Chicago Staff
Adventurers of The Sheltered...The Wildlands,

You may be confused upon entering these lands. For one, it no longer is the year of 1518. The Sheltered Lands you knew is no more, the Age of Man is over, and The Age of Legend is upon us. The Volcano outside of The Valley of Solace cracked the world a sunder. By this ancient Quelie condition, which was contingent upon The Corrupts defeat, all was lost, but in time, was reformed, and the world healed.

The town of Horizon was sent via ritual created by Rubert Ironbeard to a pocket plane. It housed us until we broke free from a centuries old conflict between 2 residents. Upon doing so, we did not find ourselves in the Grasslands like we intended, but instead, found ourselves hurled into the Future, to a time of a time that needed us.

So here we are. A friend once said, "May your Words have Power and your Memories be Knowledge". He may come through, or he may have stayed in the past. If you know someone with a strong enough spirit you can call to them, to guide them to this time. You may even bring with buildings that were within Horizon when the town rifted away and back, as long as your memory is strong, we can be complete again.

To that end, there is some information gathered from a source I find no reason to doubt.

The Wildlands: Uncontested lands, not the best for farming, but we can fix that. Unclaimed by any of the kingdoms. This is where Horizon is now, a landscape surrounded by plains.

Vornae Nation of the Isles, the Corsairs: Surprise, this continent is surrounded by water. On those seas, the Vorane rule. Though there is another continent, which houses an unsaviory adversary, The Fae.

The Fae: Returned and with an eye to claim this land for themselves. Upon meeting us, they were quite hostile, but we kicked their teeth in.

Gaden: Right now, no King sits upon it's Throne, but it has a Regent. Not much is known, other than it still exist as a Kingdom.

Pratorak: A nation much as it was. Ruled by Stone Elves, with Orcs as well. Boemae was annexed into it some time ago.

New Pratorak: Nothing known about this secretive society.

Quelie Kingdom: Returned after the Sundering from their pocket planes and hope to conquer all nations under their rule. Their Military is known as The Immortals.

Isles of Tribesmen: Kyns, High Ogres, Tribesmen reside on these lands.

Roskaria: Same as it was, a nation of craftsmen and artisans.

Guilds of these new lands:
- Research Guild
- Crafting Guild
- Martial and Magic Guild

If anyone learns more, or learned more beyond this. Please dream it so each of us as we enter these lands may be up to speed in the markets to come. I personally will be traveling, or trying to travel to Gaden, and find out as much about the last many centuries as possible, while also share my collective knowledge with their archivist.

- Asher Oakheart
Lord of Horizon. Lord of Gaden.
There are dragons too but don't know much bout them. But sounds like they are around and troublesome.
