To the aid of Lothian


[the note below is on fine quality paper, the penmanship crisp and even, without smudge or hesitation. imprinted below the script is the royal seal of Authenrai]

Loyal citizens and friends of the Hollow,

Of late word has reached the courts of Eire that a royal messenger was waylaid some weeks ago, and left for dead on the roads Eire. When he was finally discovered, what little strength the man possessed he poured into a simple plea; "Lothian needs your help." With that, he slipped into the permanent sleep of the truly mortal.

Lothain is far to the west in Eire proper; of all the Baronies, she has been dealt perhaps the roughest hand by the Withering, possessing neither wealth nor crops, nor mines of ore, her people made up of refugees and cast-off from other lands. But coin or no, her baroness is our cousin, and her people citizens of Eire; both are due the full measure of courtesy any under Eire's banner would show their countrymen.

On behalf of the Barons and the courts of Eire, we request those of able body present themselves in Authenrai, from where they shall escort a supply caravan direct to Lothian, and discern the nature of the plight faced by her Baroness, our cousin, Jane Lothian.

Should the worst have befallen the home of our cousin, let the guilty find neither mercy in your heart, nor quarter from your blade.

On behalf of the courts of Authenrai, the will of the court as transcriped by Jeremiah Smith, Royal Scrivener.

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