To The Meddler.....


Lord Barrister Enan Bluewater, Werebear of the Azure Keep.

You are meddling in things you should not be meddling in. We did not come here to harm you or your kin, we did not come to steal your land, or your keep. We came for one thing and one thing only, and YOU are preventing this. You are meddling. We ask you one time, and one time only to stop this. Hannibal is not happy and is working a gift for you. We do not wish you harmed, but once the gift is complete. We can not help you. We first came here looking to help you. I was going to teach the adventures. Hannibal was willing to train them. Hannibal was willing to show you things. Then you started to interfere. The Solar saw what we did and he knew that it was better for him to help us then to stand in our way. We ask the same of you.
STOP what you are doing Enan, STOP interfering, STOP Meddling. Before it is to late.

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This is so all very sad. Why can we all just not get along. Also we have heard their are those of you whose eyes glow. Are there any elves in that number. I desire this information. We hope for peace once more after the gift is summoned by Hannibal.

* seething hot anger that boils and rages. there is an echo almost like drums yet it almost crushes you with it's intensity *

Is this what your friend would have wanted? To turn his race into slaves? You dishonor his gift and turn his legacy, you have turned him into the anathema of his race. You use innocents and turn them into beast, lacking free will and make then unto livestock. You should be ashamed. You have destroyed everything that he had, all of his family are gone. You may have gained immortality but, you have lost who you once were.

You want freedom for your people and you think that becoming a Griffin is the only way. Look at what you have done. You have destroyed the race that was helping those trapped in slavery by liberating them. Instead of going to the elders with open arms you killed them and have forgotten you people. You work openly with Hannibal who owns slaves and experiments on your own people. How can you call yourself a Biata?

You seek knowledge. You sicken me. You have no morals your quest for knowledge has driven you off the path and you choose only power.

You have all murdered innocents. Your quest for power has blinded you all. May Forannis have mercy upon you.

Lady FallingStar
