Town Meeting Friday Night of the Gather.


The guild leaders and local title holders have decided to start a tradition of holding a town meeting on Friday nights of gathers. We hope to build better communication between everyone in town. The guilds can give updates on there doings, announcements, and recruit new members. Nobles can communicate any issues or forth coming threats as well as updates about local doings and such. At the end perhaps a short question and answer time. If anyone else has something to address the town with this would be a good time to so as well.

The current plan is around 10pm Friday night in the Tavern, assuming there is no major battles or such going on. If there is as soon as we can after that time.

-Sir Tantarus
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I have heard that there’s a Bounty Hunter’s guild?

Is this something more appropriate to bring up at the meeting?

-Shaman Zeth
I have heard this too, but I have no knowledge of it. Hence my hope to have better communication among the townspeople.
I am assuming you will be holding another town meeting at the start of the next gather?

Five Crowns Market