Trade of Ritual components

For those of you out there who have them, I propose a trade of ritual components to help get them in the hands that need them soon. If anyone has any they wish to sell, trade, or buy please make yourselves known AT THE NEXT GATHERING. No need to say anything here if you do not wish but please make yourself known, I know myself and at least one other who are looking for more components for impending rituals and more of the correct components specific to our respective scrolls. So even if you aren't looking to sell them if you would be willing to trade them to someone who needs your particular component then please make yourself known. Anyone else who is looking for components feel free to make yourselves known as well, if not I will pass along any offers of trade or sale that I don't require to those I know are looking.

I only say this because of IMPENDING rituals that we wish to complete, I and others are not trying to stockpile components we need them for scrolls WE ALREADY HAVE.

-Sheriff York Winters
Greetingz All,

Zwapping the componentz zoundz like a rezounding plan. Many people need many thingz. Let ve known I vill pay 2 gold vor any and all componentz if zale and not trade iz vhat you vish. Look vorward to seeing many of vou.

Kitaruen Kopanari
Sheriff York,

Its been a long time since I've traveled with any adventurers in Gaden. And I haven't been able to adventure at this new Shademarch barony. But I'd be more than happy to help swap/trade some ritual components!

I won't be able to be at this impending gather but if you'd like to arrange something via courier I could make sure the ritual components get to you in time!

- Quyri
I am in need of one pyrotis. Also any truesilver or nightshade zhat travels vould be very helpful. I have components to trade or I am villing to buy zhem.

~Regan Vrabie Masca
I have components I am willing to trade.
