Um, I have things to dream about, if that's okay...


So I brewed up a whole bunch more healing potions and elixirs, I'm really sorry I ran out last marketday, um, maybe this time people can tell me if they want some and maybe I can make sure they get split up better, I think I made a couple dozen, but those go really fast.

Anyways, I was hoping maybe if a magicker had the time, and a spare extra um, whatever-a-thing it is to make the magic work on my 'find the rest of a thing' scroll, we could maybe go hunting for some Luminium or Methran, I think i'll have some bits to use one Saturday to help us find a source.

Otherwise, my don't get hurt as quickly ring with the bless spells still doesn't work since coming here from Wayside, maybe we could fix it? It sounded like some people knew how, but it's okay if folks are too busy really.

finally, um, I could use some help, learning how to talk better to groups and stuff, I guess Master Kiran wants me to maybe teach how to make stuff to people some, and I'm really not good talking to large groups of more than two people or so...

sorry to make your heads buzz if you aren't interested or are busy, I don't know how to control my dreams very good I guess.


I'm curious to see the Mist Cave firsthand. I feel I owe you for all the times you helped me with my armor at the last gathering, so I'll gladly go with you to get your ring working.

Gorka will have your scroll ready, Gorka's brothers can cast it, or Asher.

Gorka would like some Cure Light wounds. Remember to tell me the moment you learn how to make purifys ok.

Gorka has something from wayside that dosen't work too, Gorka will be looking for Misty's brothers to say when the time for visits is right and Gorka will make sure you know too.

- Gorka
I'll be willing to help however I can, if im available. also, I have much I'm seeking to learn, so I would be more than willing to help you if you could help me a little.

Deoman the Runner.
So, I talked to Gandian, well read his letter anyway, and he needs a jetsam or a fangtooth thing to make the magic work. I don't have any and i don't have enough money to buy one from him and craft stuff, does anyone maybe have an extra they aren't using?


I will supply the component initially, with the hope you can replace it later. So you need not scramble to find a component right now, but try to get ahold of one by the end of the gathering, or some other sufficient payment for it.

~ Gandian Ravenscroft
I've got a jetsam for you.

Sheriff York