Upcoming Auction and Raffle

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
Those of the Hope's Reach,

Soon we will hold our memorial feast in honor of his Majesty on the evening of the 16th, and whilst we are gathered together at such a ceremony of remembrance, I am pleased to announce that I will be joining you to assist in the officiating of both a raffle and an auction of items of a valuable nature! The proceeds from both the auction and the raffle will benefit of a number of charitable parties across the land, including the Earth Guild of Gaden, the Celestial Guild of Gaden, the Broker's Guild of Gaden, the Tunarian University, and others.

Whilst I can tell you now that the raffle and auction items contains such things as special crafting materials and recipes (a favorite of mine, of course), magical trinkets, ritual scrolls, and more, the specifics of what is being offered will be revealed at a later time. Furthermore, with the various organizations involved looking to replenish their stock of silver, I feel I should inform you that raffle tickets will be sold for a cost of 3 silver coins each, so make sure you bring some silver if you want a chance to win big in the raffle!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask, either here or when I arrive at the feast.

I look forward to seeing you all again,
- Warner Perlian Duran
Senior Property and Resource Clerk of the Broker's Guild of Gaden
Warner Perlian Duran,

We look forward to welcoming you at the feast. Please let us know if there are any accomidations or other needs we can provide for you.

Walk with Honor,
Squire Victor von Gryphon