Update on the Engagement with Bleak

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As we've begun to close the area around the mountain the great white wyrm calls home, things have largely been successful. Late Saturday night Lycergis received word that the Duchy of Hent had begun an invasion of Dragonreach. Having not heard from anyone, he pulled a large contigent of men with him to secure the capitol city. During this time we began to lose a footing against the undead. Bleak's anger also had intensified if the weather conditions were any indication.
Allacar took this opportunity to be more provocative in their formation, causing serval political nightmares, as they attempted to expand to fill the gap left by Lycergis.

The Thirsters and Finnis have arrived to assist, and Lycergis has returned from the defense of the city in what appears to be a false alarm. But, we're aggressively pushed back, and suffered many casualties during the time it took for Lycergis to leave and return. I've put out a call to the rest of my men and woman, and have effectively ceased operations entirely inside of Dragonreach. Lycergis has put out a notice to all of the Baronies as well. Dragonreach is affectively operating on bare bones. I suspect many innocent people will pay a grave price because of this however, the alternative is far worse.

Foundry has been a bright point here, as they've effectively held their flank with little problems.

I have met with the man formerly known as "The Rose Farmer" and he's begun establishing a camp. Right now it's just a few people. His family maybe? But, in no short amount of time they've established their presence here. He assured me that his son is bringing what remains of the army of Hent to the field as well. As they are now in total control of that nation.

Lastly, I have heard reports of a skeletal dragon and undead orcs involved. I suspect if these reports are true, they are staying away from my men.

In a little over a week, the King will present the adventuring community with every task we are spread too thin on.

It's win or lose now friends. I for one never considered myself much of a loser.

Jared Silverstar
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