
Hey all,

Due to the hard lay-on and since all of our Logistics staff are PCs, LOGISTICS WILL BE CLOSED AFTER OPENING for an hour or so, so that everyone can run through the opening mod.

WE WILL REOPEN AFTER THE INTRO MOD for about 30 minutes to an hour, depending on what the needs are.

PLEASE DO NOT COME FIND US IN GAME DURING THE INTRO MOD. We will not be checking people in during the intro mod. If you come late, you'll need to wait until after the intro mod to check in.

THIS ALSO MEANS that you shouldn't wait until the last possible second to check in. Come check in as soon as possible so that you can make it to the intro mod yourself.

If you have questions or concerns, feel free to post them up here or email

Thanks, and we look forward to seeing you at game!

Barbara and Cass
Just to clarify, the events page says this starts at 8:00 PM. Is that when check-in starts? Or should we show up ahead of that so we're all checked in and ready to go by 8:00? If we can check in before 8:00, when is the earliest we can get set up? We're coming from about 6 or 7 hours away, but we're leaving early enough that we should be there well before 8. Also, what is a "lay-on"? Thanks for the help.
I don't have the absolute details, but typically Logistics will open as soon as they are able to at site, and in this case will be open until a little before the Hard Layon. I would recommend getting there early so that you can be fully in costume, have your gear all stored and sorted in your cabin appropriately (remember all tagged items MUST be carried into the game during a hard lay-on).

I have been to a lot of games with Hard Layons at the more ready you are at go time the better. It really is hard to get going in character when your rushed. Hopefully someone else will chime in to confirm times.
Logistics will start some time between 4:30 and 5. Please come early and come check in when you can! If you're new, you'll want to get to site early and come to logistics dressed in all your garb with all your armour etc with you. :)

Lay-On is our starting time. That's when we all get into character and start beating each other up and RPing and stuff. :)

Does that help?