very new to larp and need help


So I was wondering how this goes can people make clans for battles or do you guys pick sides for us also how large are the battles typically
Depends a lot upon the local chapter, the module/battle plan, etc.

Typically, Oregon/Seattle chapters see around 2.5 players vs 1 NPC with a total around 60-80 total bodies. Some battles will see players 'double hook' (join the NPC ranks for the fight) and swing those number to 1:1 or thereabouts.
I typically run with a group of 4-6 players for individual modules / adventuring.
Ooooh... lucky you, you're in Colorado. The Denver chapter is one I'm looking forward to travelling to at some point either this or next year.

The owner of your local chapter is super knowledgeable and from what I've seen of the players on the boards here, they're all super friendly and helpful. If you scroll down to their section on the forums, you'll probably be able to get some good, local help. ;)

Lots of players form teams in game for their characters to adventure with. Some players have multiple characters belonging to different teams so that they can have a different experience at game from time to time.

Some characters don't join up with teams... it can be harder to play the game this way, but it can also lead to some really fun times. Whether you join up with a team or not is totally up to you as a player. If you do decide to go it alone though, don't be that guy in the corner who wants to brood, but wants everyone to notice he's brooding. As someone whose main character isn't on any team, my personal experience is that trying to be friendly and helpful to almost everybody, listening to the people you're supposed to listen to (nobles and such) and generally just having a good attitude are a great way to explore your options while keeping your choices open.

When you sign up for an event, you can sign up to play a character of yours (PC) or be part of the cast and crew for the weekend (NPC.) If you PC, you're the one in control of your character all day/weekend. If you NPC, the staff of the game will give you various roles over the weekend (typically lots of monsters that get killed a lot, but that's ok, you get to respawn ;) ) and otherwise direct your at game time with set-up and take-down and other tasks. PCing costs money. Most chapters allow people to NPC for free, but that's not always a given based on lots of stuff, such as site or food costs. You'll have to check with the chapter you want to play at.

Let us know if you have any other questions!
Hey there, I'm one of the Denver locals, welcome!
To delve into your question a bit more, based on your wording I suspect you have experienced, and are comparing us to Amptguard (Talking about teams and sides) Alliance is a much more RP focused game and is generally PC's against Plot run NPC's even in our large battles. While you might split off into teams within that structure based on being part of a guild, court or adventuring group the PC's are all, at least in practice;D, on the same side. That being said you can in some ways choose what side to be on, if you want to be on the side opposed to the players, you can play an NPC otherwise your on the Players side! That being said, because we are RP focused, side is a gray area. There is a potential to be a PC but act against the PC's in subtle ways, (Such as robbing in game, using Chaos Magic and other such nefarious acts) but negative acts can have in game consequences for your character.