Wearing a Pelt


So I've been making a character that I plan is wearing a wolf skin head-dress, will that make wilder-kin (canonically speaking) not like me? I was just wondering is that would cause any hatred towards me.
Likely no. Wylderkyn do not typically consider themselves animals (unless Chapter-specific race packets say otherwise), they are humanoids same as Elves, Humans, and Biata in their mind. Heck, a Pigkyn I know loves to eat bacon! So wearing an animal skin will likely not have an impact on how your character is viewed.
Rather than say yes-or-no to this, I, as a Kyn player, recommend you find out in game and act accordingly. Note that some characters may be particularly defensive of creatures whom they have a resemblance with for whatever reason they want.

As an example, there's at least one Raccoonkyn who finds the collection of raccoon pelts to be distasteful at least, and threatening at worst.

So yeah. TL;DR version? Don't assume one way or the other, which is probably better for RP anyways. :)
I would see a wolf Wyldkin being upset about someone wearing a normal wolf pelt as a human would be upset over someone wearing a monkey pelt. But as mentioned above, there may be some chapter specific IG situations that would have Wyldkin upset about wearing pelts. I had a white tiger strip of fur along the bottom of my cloak that was suppose to be a saar tail of my arch nemesis a while ago. Had a few Sarr that were upset over that and I finally not only removed it but gave it a respectful funeral.