Welcome Team Daedalus, the 2018 Acarthia Plot Team


Alliance Denver is pleased to announce your 2018 Acarthia Plot Team: “Team Daedalus”

Ian Moriarty - Head of Plot
Darrin Myers
Jeff Loats
Jenn Beach
Jesse Grabowski
John Siadak
Miguel Alberto
Trace Moriarty
Vincent Tovar

The entire 2017 group from Team Prometheus has signed on for an additional year to continue the stories and themes with which you’re already intrigued.

Joining us for 2018 is our newest teammate, Darrin, who joins both Colorado and Alliance Denver from Atlanta, and an extensive LARP design career with NERO and other games local to the southeast. Darrin served as Head of National Plot for NERO for several years, and recently concluded direction of the successful Dragon Isles campaign out of NERO Atlanta.

Ian is the first player to take the reins as Head of Plot for Acarthia following Jesse’s direction as game owner. Ian comes from the background of LARP systems with shared heritage with Alliance rules such as SOLAR and NERO, and other independent games local to the southeast since 2001. This is Ian’s first term directing a plot writing team.

The whole group may be reached at plot@alliancedenver.com, which is the preferred medium of communication for Plot matters.

We look forward to an exciting season with you of intrigue, politics, cults, economics, and mind control!

See you soon,
Team Daedalus