What's going on?


I understand that the Prince is calling people to the south to help fight the Corrupt, and I'll do what I can to help, but I have a few questions.

What are the Corrupt?
Who is this Prince and what is he Prince of?
What year is it?
Why is it so cold here, and where did the Forest go?

Child of Autumn
Terribly Confused
The year is 1512, the prince is prince Talon of Gaiden, it is cold because that is the season, and the corrupt is a monstrous enemy that plagues this land. Though we would be happy for your help I would suggest you see what you're getting yourself into before you promise your aid.

Sincerely, Sheriff York Winters of Hopes Reach
Sheriff York Winters,

I can handle myself. Maybe if you tell me more than just "monstrous enemy", I will know better what I'm getting myself into.

Child of Autumn
My apologies but our enemy does not lend itself well to description. It is a vast host of varying creatures come to over whelm us, if you truly wish to know details you would be better off contacting Gandian Ravenscroft. He is an elf who has studied the corrupt for some time. I do not doubt your strength but those stronger than you or I have fallen to this enemy on many an occasion.

I have sent you a pigeon carrying detailed answers to your questions. I hope it arrives to you safely, though all of the information sent is public knowledge. As York said, Gandian is this lands best expert when dealing with the Corrupt. Be advised though, they are a most dangerous foe.

-Deputy Sheriff Asher, of The Keepers of the Darkened Sun.

I got your letter, but I have no idea what it says. I've never been much of a scholar.

Could someone at least tell me what the Corrupt look like?

Well, in most places Durls been the folks called corrupt are the ones with the most money or nicest things.

The corrupt are the living undead. If it doesn't work against an undead, then it wont generally work against the corrupt. If it works against the undead, then it probably won't work against the corrupt. Just hit them hard and keep your eyes open. As bad as they sound, they are defeat-able.

Fredrick Crawford, Mage of the Black Wolfs
I regret that I have to miss this fight. I am too far away to be of any assistance. However I look forward into joining the hunt for The Corrupt when I travel closer.

-Skye Nevermore
Fredrick they aren't undead, they are Cursed. There's this hive mind thing and nodes that make them more powerful. and they are Cursed creatures.

- Gorka
Healer of the Gadian Earth Guild
Sister in the Order of Shadow's light
Pack mate to the Black Wolves
Stag Champion
Remember of Morka and Crow
One does not look forward to fighting the Corrupt. I guarantee you this is a serious matter, and I really must urge you to look into psychological help if you actually want to fight Corrupt. No one wants to fight the Corrupt, rather we must fight the Corrupt for survival.
If they are as bad as you all say, then that's exactly why I want to fight them. Is there anything in particular I should prepare for this fight? Do they have any weaknesses we can exploit?

I am sorry if my excitement has gotten the best of me. Its my first time away from home and I am looking for new experiences. I agree with the last question asked though, are there any certain precautions we can take? Is there anything that is certain to work on The Corrupt? Are these many different types of creatures?

-Skye Nevermore
The Corrupt have existed for centuries, though to my knowledge they have only been a true threat in recent years. The Corrupt can be anyone, there shape and form remains intact, however their skin has a tainted look to it, a brown and crimson look. Their numbers are endless, and no one has been deep into their lands to see the capitol, or central nerve center if you look at them in a hive-mind sense.

When you fight these creatures, they adapt, grow stronger, and eventually overrun you. If you truly wish to fight them, know that they have no weakness, only strength. There is no peace between them and us, only corruption. Through corruption, they gain strength. Through strength, they gain power. Through that power, they are nearly unstoppable....but not unkillable.

That is the Corrupt. Now you know.With that knowledge, will you still stand and fight? Will you protect those that can't protect themselves? Will you try to cure, those who wish the taint removed?

My answer is yes...What about yours?

Formalist of the Earthen Magicks


It is true that the Corrupt should not be trifled with. They have been around for the last four hundred years or so, and Gaden has been losing ground to them for a few decades now, depending on the records you are reviewing. However, if you prepare yourself and keep your wits and friends close, you will prevail.

For additional information, I would suggest that you get your hands on a copy of Gandian's Treatise on this matter, it is fairly exhaustive. It should be noted however, that it will not be comprehensive as the curse that afects the corrup changes and we see new variants arise after each Respite.

The corrupt do have weaknesses, but again I will not divulge them here. I encourage you to get a copy of the Treatise and educate yourself if you are truely interested.

On a personal note, I enjoy hunting down Corrupt, they provide a unique challenge to your might, your mind, and wisdom.

May the Light guide you and may Shadow guard your path.

Arcanist Dure'dhel
I will stand and fight. My brother, father and my friends are fighting. I will learn what needs to be learned. However I am more apt to lean towards the magics end of the fighting than the hand to hand combat. I will do what I can to help defend Gaden from these monsters.

-Skye Nevermore
Those who are new to the dream realm should note, all conversations on the dreaming are available to who ever might listen in, including the corrupt. This is why we do not discuss weaknesses or stratagems here as they can be exploited by the corrupt, and others with ill intent.
DO NOT dream about sensitive matters, do so by other means, as there will be repercussions, repercussions I have witnessed first hand.
And on the corrupt, in essence they are a mass of ever evolving, all consuming, creatures that wish to corrupt the entire world. This world has been at war with them for millenia.
When it comes to specifics on common corrupt "types" I suggest, as others have, speak with Gandian, privately.

With honor always,
Thorador Boulderfist
Thank you for the added knowledge. I had no idea there might be corrupt listening in. I will be strive to be more careful in my communications.

I must agree with Arcanist Dure'dhel, though I am wary if them as an enemy there are few things more enjoyable than whittling away at there numbers. I believe Icey only speaks for some.

- Sheriff York Winters
My most excellent people,

Before I begin: Icey, I must be insane, because I want to fight the Corrupt. I have made it my occupation to gather information on these monstrosities, and my tactics and knowledge have helped us prevail in past, and the more I fight Corrupt, the more I learn on how to do it better. Briar and Skye, I like your opening mindsets, and I look forward to fighting alongside you both.

Regardless, many of you have tidbits of information that is correct, and many have tidbits that are mistaken or misleading to those who have never fought the Corrupt, but hopefully, I will be able to answer specific questions or clarify things. I am flattered that so many of you told newcomers to seek my anti-Corrupt knowledge, by the way, and certainly shall make it a goal of mine to bring a fresh copy or two of the Codex of Known Corruption, my analysis booklet of the Corrupt, for the public to read or have read aloud to them. I am always willing to discuss the varying "breeds" of Corrupt and their abilities, in a more private setting, as Thorador rightly recommends, and hopefully will be expanding my research soon with information on the breeds I know less about.

Whilst I may be reiterating what some others have said, he is my basic synopsis of the Corrupt:

The title of Corrupt applies to a vast army of tainted creatures, humanoid and animal, that are recognizable by their dark, scarred, mottled black-red flesh, and they have plagued the Sheltered Lands for hundreds of years, unrelentingly assaulting our military's forces. These creatures were once men, women, children, and animals, overcome by a magical affliction that destroyed their minds and tainted their bodies, rendering them physically powerful, blood-lusting engines of destruction, with no memory of their previous selves. Their ruthless minds have become interlinked, constantly communicating between one another to adapt to their foe and surroundings to give them the upper hand in combat as they attempt to expand their taint further across the Sheltered Lands. They have no mercy, no concept of remorse, and they never tire of dealing death, decay, and destruction.

However, this is not to say that we cannot fight them. We have pushed them back, countering the tactics that the employ to crush their foes as we hold their line back. Corrupt are a fight that you must fight smart, not just fight. You must fight strategy with strategy, and we have information that we need to be able to destroy crucial Corrupt forces that may allow us to make greater strides of success.

This is only but a basic description, and we can speak more on the subject privately if you wish. Excuse my apparent arrogance, but my knowledge and experience with the Corrupt are both extensive, and I am continually learning more and figuring out more "pieces of the puzzle".

May the Light guide you, and the Shadow guard your path,
~ Gandian Ravenscroft
Order of Shadow's Light
Celestial Guildsman of Gaden
Corrupt Researcher and Slayer