
Alliance Rules
Chicago Staff
*Scream echoes through the dream realms*


I am Ragnarok, grandson of Hroaldr and I am look for tribes of my people. It no matter which though I really want know where Irrigu and Petara are. We have Important thing to discuss. Me and other tribesman name Sigurth are look for you best we can but we no perfect and help is good. We need dicuss to things better not talked about in dreams where we can be herd so that why we look for you in person. Please help us find you. This very important for not just tribes but all Gaden.

Loud child,

It not up to you to tell any shaman what we need talk or think, you think you important? How well you hear with mouth open all the time? Me hear about you, loud mouth child telling shaman and real warriors dey need talk to him. Pfffah, I think I find you en when I do I think I find big child, I think I beat and take and give it to someone that learn better. Maybe I send you to circle, be good for you to not talk for ten minutes, maybe think some.

Stop yer bellows, you bay like baby goat, you think any shaman want meet with a loud child? You learn nothing!

Yer beating be coming, maybe you learn, we see, me think not, you no Hengin

- Keyan, Levarin Earth Seeker
Me no mean disrespect. Me sorry if I offend you but if I be bold I might speak mt mind. I no want tell shaman what to think. I only want tell them what I think and I think this thinking is very important. I have thought yes. And I have thought about things lost, things found and things yet-to-be-found and these are things we need discuss. I dare say no more about it not in person.
I am loud yes. But I am small. How else I be herd in this big world full of big people and their big plans? All am want is find where tribes are now.

You still prattle about what need happen, I knew you not able to learn.

Then teach if you want me learn. I tell you this. If you come to next market day, I be your student for that day. Then we see if I no can learn. Sound like deal?

Me want teach you? I just want sound sleep again, You not worthy to be my student.

Wise shaman, this no a matter of wether I learn or not. This matter of safety of these lands. It for that reason I need please not think of my loudness or how much you think no can learn and please trust other tribesman when I say I need your help. Please. I will go though my worst places again to have your help.

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