Who needs alchemy!?


Hello again everyone. I have a surplus of production capability in alchemy and would like to offer up my services to the people of the ceriopolis. I can make anything within the alchemists realm in large quantities for much cheaper than your ordinary alchemist. So please allow me to fill an order for you today. Simply tell me what you need and the quantity and I will give you the price, or if you wish to speak with me upon my arrival I would be more than happy to accommodate you. Orders will be on a first come first serve basis so place your orders fast. Don't forget that alchemy comes in handy against those pesky goblins and orcs. If no orders are received by the time I arrive I will be sitting inside the tavern to take orders before turning in for the night. I look forward to hearing from you beloved customers soon.

Lynx Paragrue
Alchemist extraordinaire
Good afternoon Alchemist Paragrue,

I am not of the Ceriopolis but I will be visiting for this coming gather from the land currently known as the Maelstrom- if that doesn't preclude me from purchasing from you I have an order I'd like to make.

-3 Cure Light Wounds elixirs
-5 Liquid Lights
-4 Sleep elixirs
-3 Intoxicate elixirs

Please let me know if this is agreeable to you, along with your price. Thank you very much for your services.

In service,
Diplomatic Assistant Terren
At this time I do have another inquiry about my services. If they choose to go through with their order I can still make your order, it will have to be on a later batch and it will be more expensive. If everything stands and I complete my first order your order will cost 10 Gold and 4 silver. If anything changes I will certainly let you know as soon as possible.

Lynx Paragrue
There has been a change in my order, the price to fill your order will be 5 gold 6 silver for 1 day of production. I can produce another day if you would like, but the price will still be the same as I have been asked to fill 2 day's worth of orders already.

Lynx Paragrue
Alchemist Paragrue,

The 5 g 6 s for 1 day suits me perfectly- thank you very much. I'll make sure to have the coin on me- I assume someone will be able to direct me to you.

Thank you again.

In service,
Diplomatic Assistant Terren