Winter IBGAs


Alright folks for the winter IBGAs we are allowing a broader scope of actions to represent the fact this stuff will take place over a longer frame of time then most IBGAs, We are excited for these and hope to see you next year...or at one of the winter get togethers. The Banquet Jan 13th one day plus the logistics and the crafting based hangouts we have planned which will be announced in a few weeks.

Everyone Gets Two Major Actions...This could be any combination of the below. You could do 2 of the same action or any combination.

1. A primary action: Go to a location(s) and do a thing!
2. A primary research action: Go to a location(s) and learn about a thing!
3. Undertake one of the group missions available.
-The Solar's Guild and Hitch 42 have announced a joint venture to map, survey, and discover what Anret has too offer. They are calling for volunteers to aid them. (think Louis and Clark)
-Aid the Kingdom in putting down a rebellion of Ternian Refugees-a large group has taken up arms and now has hostages in Northshire. The Kingdom has asked for aid of adventurers in hopes of it ending peacefully. They will then be part of the task force to improve refugee conditions further and pacify further unrest.
-Join the 182nd Ternian Legion and Wayside's 7th Heavy Infantry in an Expedition Force which will dig deep into undead held lands to find survivors, deliver supplies, and push towards the capital to relieve the pressure on the Capital.

Some folks via items, buildings, nobility, ect are all allowed a secondary action based directly on their source and thus are of more narrow focus. This is to help develop that specific facet of your character and is not meant to be a more broad free for all action like the above.

IBGAs are due before the January 13th Banquet One Day....IE they must all be there turned in before the event starts at 10AM!!!

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With the season opener being about a month away. When could we expected our winter IBGA response?
They will all be sent by the Conversion Day if not sooner.
Not to be a pest, but any word on these? I'm excited to see how the winter developed!