“Logic and reason, written into mortal flesh.”
Stone Elves are devoid of emotional expression, hyper rational, and exceptionally long-lived. Their supreme emotional control manifests in an ability to sooth and warp the emotions of others, as a tailor might mend a torn shirt, while their extended life span and mastery of reason leads them to look at life and the world as a puzzle to be solved rather than an experience they participate in.
All Stone Elves must have prosthetic pointed ears, black lips with all other exposed skin painted white.
All Stone Elves are fixated on acting in a rational and logical manner. Acting without reason, or purely on emotion, is treated by Stone Elves as reckless and even malicious, regardless of circumstances.
Stone Elves are inherently self-controlled and disciplined. Expressing emotion is a very private and vulnerable act, rarely done, if ever.
Stone Elves have the ability to purchase the Resist Command and Break Command abilities. The mental prowess of Stone Elves, derived from intense mastery and self-control, is what fuels these abilities.
Stone Elves pay a reduced cost when purchasing the Inscription skill. A Stone Elf’s ordered thinking gives them familiarity when putting celestial magic into an organized form such as scrolls.
Stone Elves pay half cost for Archery. Their ordered minds find the steely focus need to use a bow or crossbow a potent form of meditation.
Stone Elves have limited roleplay-only mental abilities that stem from their ability to mentally connect with other races, and specific objects and places. These are roleplay only skills and require the consent and voluntary participation of anyone involved and can be used to address various emotional related issues (some insanity, traumatic reactions, etc.). These abilities cannot be used to avoid or circumvent any in-game effects (curses, enslavement, disease, charm, enfeeblement, or anything else that needs in-game fixes). The mental abilities are described in more detail in the Alliance rulebook.
Stone Elves attempt to maintain tight control over their emotions at all times. Expressing their own emotions results in a reaction ranging from mild discomfort to extreme pain, depending on the severity of their lapse in self-discipline. Some Stone Elves will have a similar reaction to emotional outbursts from others near them. Stone Elves must show difficulty around emotions but occasional and momentary flashes of emotion are acceptable.
Stone Elves live for many centuries, with the oldest recorded making it over a millennium. As in all things, the Stone Elves take a very logical approach to family, building their communities to best serve the whole. This can take many different forms based on the culture of local Stone Elves, but always has a rigid adherence to logic that each member implicitly understands. Stone Elves are very selective in who they bond with, as their mental abilities cause them to form a nearly physical connection with the other person that is not easily broken.
Stone Elves are detached from the emotions that they have both studied and learned to manipulate. Many tales speak of Stone Elves driven mad from delving too long and too deep into the ocean of emotions they have sworn to study. Stone Elves place no stock in these myths and fairy tales, approaching their understanding of emotions and people the way any scholar would approach a topic of research: impartial study, multiple references, hypothesis, experiments, repetition. The rest of Fortannis do not appreciate being observed like an insect in a jar, and it is perhaps one of the Stone Elves’ greatest shortfalls when it comes to working with other people of Fortannis.
With incredibly long lifespans and a deep understanding of emotions, Stone Elves can find reason in events where others would grasp weakly towards “fate” and “destiny” for explanation. One could almost accuse the Stone Elves of hiding prophetic abilities if the rest of Fortannis were not so predictable in their actions. While Stone Elves have a greater insight to emotions, their dependence on logic and reason leave them blind to opportunities for heroism and villainy that defy the nature of probability and people.
As creatures that are the embodiment of mortal emotions, the Fey have a specific hatred of Stone Elves. The mental abilities of Stone Elves can soothe the injuries that the Fey can inflict upon the mortal mind, and a Stone Elf’s innate abilities to resist and dismantle command effects are counters to one of the Fey’s most effective weapons. For those reasons, most Fey give Stone Elves a wide berth.