
“Above all else, be free!”
Sylvanborn are a timeless race with a long and winding connection to the Fey. This lingering association with the Fey realm is made most evident by the Sylvanborn passion for freedom, both their own as well as that of others. Sylvanborn also posses small horns and pointed ears, similar to that of the Satyr, perhaps indicating a more direct link with that particular breed of Fey.

Sylvanborn revel in the freedom to wander and to choose their own lot in life. They advocate for those freedoms in others and strike down those that would rule through tyranny and cruelty. With a passion for freedom and nearly infinite time, Sylvanborn wander throughout time and gravitate to a variety of interests. It is often that you will find a Sylvanborn with many hobbies and careers beyond being a mere adventurer.

Makeup, Prosthetics, and Roleplay

Sylvanborn must wear pointed, prosthetic ears and wear a set of horns on their forehead. These horns may be adhered directly as a prosthetic or incorporated into a headband using elastic or cloth (any color except white, as that signifies out of game, or orange, as that signifies someone paging).

Sylvanborn have an intense dislike for anything that strips away the free will of a sentient creature. As such, many of them entirely eschew the use of command effects. Some Sylvanborn are willing to accept the use of command effects against animals and creatures that don’t possess higher thought, but many take a much more strict view. The concept of what constitutes sentience and under what circumstances removing another’s free will is acceptable has long been a source of debate. There are nearly as many opinions on the matter as there are Sylvanborn.

Racial Benefits

Sylvanborn may purchase the Break Command and Resist Command abilities. Their desire for freedom is so instilledinto their spirit, that not only can they deflect those effects from themselves, but they may disrupt and end those effects on others.

Sylvanborn pay a reduced cost for the Profession Skill. A Sylvanborn’s wandering interest often leads them down curious corners of common and obscure jobs alike. They delight in practical application of their wealth of experience.

Racial Drawbacks

While Sylvanborn possess no mechanical disadvantages, they consider the excessive use of Command effects abhorrent and may respond with anything from distrust to more physical consequences.


Sylvanborn have no recorded maximum lifespan. No Sylvanborn has ever died from old age or natural causes. Barring injury or disease, they will continue to live forever. Sylvanborn mature rapidly and age slowly, spending centuries with the health and vitality of a human in their mid-20’s. It is only after a handful of centuries that a Sylvanborn will start showing their age.

Infinite Expressions of Love and Family

The Sylvanborn dedication to consent and freedom means they hold very little taboo in terms of sex, gender, relationships and family. They express those feelings freely with those they choose to partner with or live alongside. Sylvanborn have no reservations about making bonds and forming family with races outside their own, and may identify with or belong to many families and relationships throughout their near endless existence.

The Complications of Eternal Freedom

Sylvanborn believe that the best society is one that allows everyone participating to make free and informed choices in all of their actions. Some may look at this and accuse them of absolute anarchy, and the Sylvanborn would not entirely disagree. Structure and hierarchy are tools to distribute aid and protection, but those tools would not be worthy if they were not questioned and tested.

While a Sylvanborn’s belief in freedom is absolute it is tempered by the equally powerful belief that all actions have consequences. Some Sylvanborn, far removed from the rest of society, have been accused of failing to temper their freedom with a respect for how it impacts others, taking their quest for freedom beyond the line of morality into cruel or predatory behavior.

A Distant Heritage and a Potential Threat

The Fey are an illusive and secretive group of creatures who live just beyond Fortannis. As creatures of emotion made manifest, they represent the absolute range and freedom of feelings and expression. While Sylvanborn celebrate that particular quality of the Fey, these inhuman creatures also have the supernatural desire to draw upon others’ emotions through trickery and compulsion, which is something that draws the Sylvanborn’s collective ire. This leads to a shaky relationship between Sylvanborn and their distant progenitors that can lead either to friendship or ruin.