April 2017 Event Registration


Alliance Rules
Gettysburg Staff
Oh dang, here we go again for another season. It's been a while, so here's the drill.

Membership payment link is here: http://alliancegettysburg.com/event-registration/
- remember all memberships expire on the calendar year and must be renewed before you can attend events.

Event payment links are available here, including a 2017 season pass: http://alliancegettysburg.com/event-calendar/

PC pre-logistics forms - these are super helpful for me: http://alliancegettysburg.com/pre-logistics/

NPC pre-registration forms - these are super helpful for plot, FOOD, also me, and allowing us to have more PCs!: http://alliancegettysburg.com/npc-registration/

PC Registrations:
1. Dave DeMartino - paid
2. Erika Noach - Packet ready
3. Kris Kitts - Packet ready
4. Ericka Skirpan - paid
5. Scott Babcock - paid
6. Cole Angelo - Packet ready
7. Mike Wasielewski - Packet ready
8. David Dickerson - Packet ready
9. Donna Hellmuth - Packet ready
10. Ryan Kelsey - Packet ready
11. Andrew Souders - Packet ready
12. Mike Zapp - Packet ready
13. David Balsome - Packet ready
14. Mike Balsome - Packet ready
15. Emily O'Neil - Packet ready
16. Sarah Heimbach - Packet ready
17. Heather Marvin - Packet ready
18. James Stabile - Packet ready
19. Carrie Stabile - paid
20. Frank Coyne - Packet ready
21. Chris Marcikonis - Packet ready
22. Jordan Krebs - Packet ready
23. Frisco Cruise - paid
24. Jill Segraves - Packet ready
25. Matt Watkins - Packet ready
26. Shaun Barnett - Packet ready
27. Meade Peters - Packet ready
28. Ashley Thomas - Packet ready
29. Colby Lingerfelt - Packet ready
30. Angel Marcikonis - Packet ready
31. Jessie Gunter - paid
32. Will Kinkaid - Packet ready
33. Matt Colosimo - Packet ready
34. Ryan Glatz - paid
35. Kris Taylor - paid
36. Daniel Ortiz - paid
37. Ryan Pihota - paid
37. DJ Hartman - paid

NPC Registrations:
1. Elissa Ward
2. Daniel Niedermayer
3. Kate Ditzler
4. Dom Alioto
5. Mike Brenizer
6. Mandy Sevetsky
7. Frank Willig
8. Lauren Keener
9. Chris Mcgrath
10. Frank Green
11. Jim Warrington
12. Laavanya S
13. <Staff PCs>
14. <Fence Hopping PCs>
15.(This space could be you or a friend)

Accuracy of the above is 100% not guaranteed. Just going quickly based on my inbox - I'll get it more filled out by the weekend.

... woah, hey. I can make a poll. This might be interesting, and even useful. Please note that participating in the poll is *NOT* a substitute for registration using the forms above. But it might give everyone a realer-time picture of how many PCs and NPCs we will have.
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We will hop fence for a shift or two like we normally do.
Don't know exactly when but we will let u know
The three of us should have forms in.
Throw me on that NPC list.
Registration lists updated. Remember this is based on emails received, so please fill out the registration forms (and/or make payments) so I have an official record.
As Kate posted on the event page on Facebook we have to have more NPCs.

This way we can keep with the 3:1 PC:NPC ratio. So please consider NPCing an event for us.

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You're missing Frank Willig and Lauren Keener to NPC. Both I know did the NPC registration since I was sitting there.
You're missing Frank Willig and Lauren Keener to NPC. Both I know did the NPC registration since I was sitting there.
Thanks for mentioning this! Turns out I had about 15 form emails sitting in the Spam folder. I'll get them all added to the list and update it shortly.

Gonna keep my eye on you Spam folder ....
Just checking to make sure my information was received ok for this weekend thanks :-)

Sent from my LG-H820 using Tapatalk
Just checking to make sure my information was received ok for this weekend thanks :)

Sent from my LG-H820 using Tapatalk
I'm pretty sure that I got notification for payment and pre-logistics (guessing you're Matt from your forum ID here) but I don't have any character information. Are you playing a new PC? If so, we'll have to work out how you want to spend your build. If you know, send me an email with it and I"ll get it entered. Otherwise, we can work it out on site Friday.
** Updated registration lists **

All PCs who pre-logisted by April 1 have logistics packets prepared, with your character card, tags, coin, etc. all ready to go. Except for those for whom I am waiting on character transfers or other info. I haven't gotten to the rest, but plan to prepare envelopes for everyone who pre-logists before Friday. So if you haven't done so, please fill out the form even if you don't need any tags. (This lets me know that you aren't gobbying production, or need MI charge tags, so I can have your packet ready.)

We're either running the lowest-magic event we've ever done, or people just aren't including their magic items in their pre-logistics information. Obviously, I won't have those tags prepared for you. If you do have items that need charge tags, please send me that information. I will try to have them ready and included in your packets, if I have time.

Last item: memberships are due for 2017. I haven't mentioned on the list above who has/hasn't paid memberships, but there are a lot due. Please pay that online or be ready to pay it at the door. Also, we require release forms to be filled out each year so everyone will have to sign one at logistics. (NPCs can do this at monster camp too.) I'll have forms and pens at the ready.

Thanks again, from your friendly neighborhood logistics.