3 apples and a mushroom? Event review


hi Folks!

We have our second event under our belts! We could not have asked for the weather to cooperate any better than it did! Logistics and Ops were much more organized and my littel trailer worked perfect for hauling all the gear. Clean up was handled way better than the first event and again things will only improve!

With that in mind we always want to hear your comments, views and constructive criticism on each and every event.

What did you like?
What could we have improved?
Favortie moment?
Was another fun weekend. Sore, bruised, and hourse yet again. LOVED running out for desert and seeing smurfs. Liked the mix of fight and think encounters. The smurfs ran a tad too long imho. I noted that I overheard raised voices in anger more than I expected. Thoughts folks?
Despite my trepidation the week before, and my nervousness the first evening, I had an amazingly great time! I'm really glad I went.

I love how the NPCs made me really care about their well being. I wound up making arrangements to copy recipes from Nadia, however she was busy with other tasks and that got put off, but then she got kidnapped! Even though I had no useful adventuring skills, it behooved me to try and help her. The area was such that I (and the Lady Gypsy Healer... whose name I always forget...) saw that we could sneak through the woods to help Nadia while the enemy was otherwise engaged. (Lord Laront had the same idea to go around via another path, but arrived after the battle was over.)

Favourite NPC: Victor. I loved the entertainment (especially since my character has lived in Middenvale/Valenhold for quite some time.) During the Middenvale song, the Gypsies started dancing, and it occurred to me that this drinking song needed some more crowd participation. I began clapping, and was amazed to find that others joined in clapping, Tal began tapping his cup on the table.

This was another example of caring about NPCs, I was absolutely dismayed when Victor's plates went missing!

Brainy smurf became a very close second favourite, see below.

Least favourite moment: (Initially, anyways, but it then turned into one of my favourite moments) When the smurf event began, I was actually a little annoyed. I helped with finding smurf berries a little at the beginning, but then I decided I wanted no part of it, and would wait until it was over. However, the Elf Bard mentioned that Brainy had a 'colour game' that one could play I decided to investigate that. Frederick was attempting it and I observed to see how the pieces moved. When he failed and took 5 body damage, I was a little shocked, since as a new player I only had 6 total. I tried the puzzle, and got so very close, that I quaffed two of my own potions and tried again, knocking myself to 0, but Tess fed me one of my own potions.

Earlier, Lord Laront made the comment that I was the 'sanest of the Biata in Parson's Reach', and I realised that I was not playing my character's quirk's up enough. Since I'm normally a bit obsessed with this kind of thing, I played that up even more (and Lord Laront made the comment later that in the Fey Realms, getting more obsessed was also likely.) When Ithotta (Sp?) told me to go follow Klanger and Laront to find the horn, I was stubbornly resistant (she tried to wrest the puzzle out of my hands.) I later decided that letting it percolate while I did something else would be good, so I followed the others (and we wound up going the wrong way and finding something else instead of finding the horn.) I then returned to try the puzzle one more time, despite having only 4 HP. I left instructions with Frederick to feed me the potion I bought from Victor should I fail, but I did not know he had injured his leg and could not walk! I failed one last time, and was dying. And no one noticed. I counted to 30 before Smurfette starting saying "Oh no someone has fallen!" Frederick cast a cure in my direction, and missed. He mis-cast one that hit, but didn't count because he messed up the incantation. He missed with two more, before finally hitting me. I had counted to 58 (out of 60) before finally being healed! That was really, really, close!

I remember thinking "I got so close to solving it.. I hope I get SOMETHING for being so close." - I was really surprised that I got awarded for best improv.

Just before we left, I had gone up to shake Brainy Smurf's hand. The timing of this could not have been better, for 'Gargamel' appeared and commanded the smurfs to attack right when I was standing in front of Brainy! Talk about an adrenaline rush... yikes!

Favourite non-plot PC moment: Lord Laront and I were leaving our cabin after he double checked his 'beacon' one more time to make absolutely sure we were in the real world - we were talking about the fey realms and I had my eyes cast downwards lost in thought and taking in new information. In the next cabin over to my right, Klanger was talking with his wife. He stood up and started saying "Lads! Lads!" - at first I thought he was upset because he was previously insistent that we never speak of that weird shared dream again. Then I realised he was pointing. I looked up and probably three meters away there was one of those plant creatures that we saw in the Bedlam realm. (I even said "Did this follow us from the fey realms!?") This was the first time an enemy approached me without warning or without us seeking it out, so I was really shocked. Fortunately it went towards Laront and Klanger and I was able to slink away. Later, I heard another coming out from the bushes behind our cabin, so I called out. That's when I realized - Laront's beacon must have been drawing them towards our cabin. (This was later confirmed OOG for me when Tracy knocked to enter our cabin, come in, and then left right away - I figure she was seeing if the beacon was still on or not.)

Most confusing moment: While I applaud the NPCs for being able to distinctly portray many different characters - there was one time when Kristen was running towards us in green make-up and tattered clothes. I had most recently seen her as a dryad and was confused at first, but then I clued in... "Is it the goblin merchant?" I called out, but then she started speaking and I knew right away that it was.

I have to really comment the NPCs for the different roles they play. I was sitting across from Brainy and the way he was portrayed I could not tell who it was - I thought it was someone I had never met. Afterwards, I saw JP and was wondering if he was in the smurf event - I thought he might have been Brawny.. but then I remembered that Andreas was brawny. The glasses and the posture and the manner of speaking were perfect enough that I had no idea that it was him, I really had to think hard and realise that JP's stature was right for Brainy.

Logistics: I got a LOT of tags from Logistics (22, to be exact) due to spending goblin points on alchemical stuff. Cory chided me saying, "You really need to tell us in your pre-reg if you are doing this much stuff." However, I DID fill those sections in on the pre-reg form, believing it would save them time. I totally recognize that the campaign staff has a lot on their plate, and I'm wondering what I can do further to help them with this. Ideally, knowing the information in advance, they could have all my tags in a small envelope for me that they could just hand me to greatly speed up my logistics processing and move the line along quicker to make it better for everyone.

In the future I will have my logistics order written down on paper rather than try to explain it at the time, which would also help I think.

Overall: Fantastic job - the event was a huge success as far as I'm concerned! I'm glad the rain waited until the game was done to come down in full force, though it made cleanup a little reluctant (I would have been more willing to assist in other locations such as the NPC lodge if it weren't for getting drenched.) I definitely want to attend next month!
From my viewpoint as an NPC...the last event was great, I had a blast!

My favorite part was Nadja's capture and rescue...I loved hearing James go "what the BLEEP just happened" as I was being carried away and to have the majority of the PCs come to her rescue so quickly that we couldn't get organized...it was awesome. It makes me, as an NPC, feel good to know that a character I work hard to bring to life has become so important to the players. I must be doing something right! LOL

I have been thinking about if I need to invest in full body armor for Marshalling...LMAO! Darn wayward arrows. :funny:

Thank you to all the players, my NPC buddies, Plot and to Tracy for making my weekend so much fun. I can't wait to do it all again!
DragonKitty said:
as I was being carried away and to have the majority of the PCs come to her rescue so quickly that we couldn't get organized...it was awesome.

It happened that there were a lot of us in the common area, and so many of us love Nadja so much that we just had to go save her right away (Even those of us who couldn't actually fight >< though I did put a Light Vorpal on Adraur (sp?)'s weapon, since he was most invested in saving you and noticed that it was possible to sneak through the forest bypassing the enemy line to get to Nadja (Though I wasn't the only non-combat character to notice and do so, and she got their first and untied Nadja - I still feel proud that I clued into that too - it helped that Nadja called out to us).

(This wound up being beneficial later when we saw the 'tall guy' on the last day. I had a vorpal coating left, and as soon as I saw that I went next to Adraur and started applying it, because I knew he used it before and I didn't have to re-explain. He was in the middle of taunting the enemies while I was there "Applying Coating 1.... Applying Coating 2..." and after his taunt he suddenly realised I was there and wondered what I was doing "..Applying Coating 3 *stick tag* Light Vorpal - +2 damage." *runs back to the rear of the group as battle starts at that moment.*)

I have been thinking about if I need to invest in full body armor for Marshalling...LMAO! Darn wayward arrows. :funny:
Yeah I had no idea what happened, as I wasn't there, I saw you coming back into camp covering your eye and then whispering to Cory I had wondered what happened (I put 2 and 2 together when Anna was trying to put glow in the dark paint on her arrows.)

This was the first full weekend alliance Event I have been able to attend in a LONG time. I've missed it...a lot. I'll try to keep references down regarding "that other larp" and "that Abomination", but it may creep in. :whaa:

The greatest thing is that the weekend keep everyone engaged; either through the npc's or the pc's; right through the weekend. This has been a repeated failure of the "other larps", so this can really be seen as a massive success! My Overunit and I have literally found ourselves "bored' at one of them before, with the only stimulus being what we brought to players. Here, this is inspiration! That is a good thing. :roll: :funny:

What I can see is that the players AND the NPC's can draw out and engage everyone, and encourage that. That is a thriving environment. And granted having the players able to pull things that plot just does not predict, and have plot like any good dm "roll with it", that too is a measure of a very good game. I could start my rant on the "railroads" I have run into, but as many have heard me "rant" before...The Players are the Engine, Plot just supplies the wheels, along with the "are we there yets" :hahaha: (Ask me about my RPGA final railroads from hell...the crossbow and the ring is up there.)

One thing I liked was feeling comfortable this time "stumbling" way too early on the "smurf berries" and being able to go to a marshall and request an "insight" so to speak. After my last experience of "whoops" that felt much better, and added a nice layer of role play for the other players to play out. That felt a lot better. :wub2:

Now yes I grant the whole "tavern mass sleep" just didn't quite work right, fortunately there's a high level of "trust" towards the plot team, so I think that did smooth over well. And we now have proof that the Biata can run a mean race....next time stone shape them or something, or spike the bird seed. :|

Smurfs. Hmm...I really don't know what to answer on that part due to some of the work I do besides "my job". My solution was to put on a face-mask, which fits Laurent's view of fae and all they bring.

Odd point...having to explain what happened when Laurent finally LOST his temper in the fae realm. Some mistakenly thought it really was the "player chewing his actual wife out." Yeah, awkward. :p Laurent has quite the past with fae, and the "victim" player knew this history and played right into it. But I do get sometimes things can "appear to blur" with a player's immersion. As some have noted the "Imperials" really are full immersion, even when we wake up in the cabin, we even sleep in character. (Explains all the burn marks...) As time goes on more and more "comfort level" will be there, and I believe that will encourage and invite yet more roleplay from players and npc's alike.

So the "behind the scenes douche bag" gets rewarded, and the "behind the scenes angel" gets chastised. Yep, just another day in alliance! :funny: Actually I think for role play that was perfect how that worked out. It is things like that with good players that really evolve in the months and maybe years down the line some of the best and epic story lines.

Do I have a favourite moment? Sometimes the simple ones like just having a drink in the tavern to wonderful music makes a weekend "just right". But from Laurent's view point he feels justified in the final battle being the only spell caster that really had a lot left in the tank to deal with the Ogre, as having to give the Magi "scrolls" so he had anything, shows our old Imperial is just as calculating as ever.

And the gypsies! Fantastic! I was just heart-broken Laurent didn't get to return the favour and sing back as is the way. (>mutter< damn douche baggery...) :shades:

It's been awhile since I've really looked forward to a "next event" with the thrill of not knowing what is going to "engage my wonder" more, the players or the plot. In this case I really believe both! :thumbsup:
Laurent Justeau said:
One thing I liked was feeling comfortable this time "stumbling" way too early on the "smurf berries" and being able to go to a marshall and request an "insight" so to speak. After my last experience of "whoops" that felt much better, and added a nice layer of role play for the other players to play out. That felt a lot better. :wub2:

When someone in the tavern (I think it was Nox) asked "Has anyone tried eating one?" and Ithotta answering "Are you volunteering?" And then Tal, being the youngest and most impulsive of the Biata, volunteered to do it. I knew I had to stand nearby in case he got into some serious trouble. Turns out he just got really really ill (in the bathroom for an hour) and was the brunt of many jokes after (that most people probably didn't understand why). But this is exactly what you meant by rolling with it when we stumbled on them way too early which lead to improv-rp moments! We had enough berries for everyone to get home without having to seek out more (Though I did find the one in the basketball hoop by smurfette's house.)

David - was it you who said "This is how you know you are playing with role-players and not pvpers!"? Or something similar?

Now yes I grant the whole "tavern mass sleep" just didn't quite work right, fortunately there's a high level of "trust" towards the plot team, so I think that did smooth over well. And we now have proof that the Biata can run a mean race....next time stone shape them or something, or spike the bird seed. :|

Having played with (most) of the people on the plot and ops team through RPGA a few years ago - I can honestly say I trust most of them to be unbiased regarding letting things play out. Often, if there's any railroading it's because of a poorly written module rather than the DM's fault. Since there are no 'pre-written' modules in this Alliance, they have complete control to adjust things in the event of a 'whoops'!

Odd point...having to explain what happened when Laurent finally LOST his temper in the fae realm.
Wasn't there for that so I didn't know about it. I liked your explaining to Math about fae afterwards from your experience and character background. My character is taking Craftsman: Fae Lore based on that information (and presumably some of the other bits you remember from your 'Academy Learning), plus my character comes from Middenvale, so presumably I can draw on some of my extensive IRL Celtic Mythology knowledge too.

As some have noted the "Imperials" really are full immersion, even when we wake up in the cabin, we even sleep in character. (Explains all the burn marks...) As time goes on more and more "comfort level" will be there, and I believe that will encourage and invite yet more roleplay from players and npc's alike.

This confused me a little the first morning (but it was my first LARP weekend so I thought it was normal until Loren pointed out the game doesn't actually start until 8:00 officially). I had to try and figure out if that was REALLY your accent or if you were still in character! The 2nd morning I was cool with it. Start the day in character and good to go! Like I mentioned at the end of the weekend - I'd like to be in your cabin next time too for this reason!

Do I have a favourite moment? Sometimes the simple ones like just having a drink in the tavern to wonderful music makes a weekend "just right". But from Laurent's view point he feels justified in the final battle being the only spell caster that really had a lot left in the tank to deal with the Ogre, as having to give the Magi "scrolls" so he had anything, shows our old Imperial is just as calculating as ever.

You explained that in character too to Math. You got flat out chewed out by the Colonel for not participating the night before, and yet your spellcasting really did pull the group through some of the fae lands content and the final battle when Mobius was left with hitting people with his staff...