April Opener Favorites


Chicago Staff
Hey everyone!

Despite the cold, winds, rain, and hail, the event was an enjoyable weekend, and I hope everyone enjoyed it as well. It was great seeing over 50 PCs at this event, and 13 NPCs! Special thanks to Emma B, Emma, Brian, Leanne, Tina, Jeremy, Teague, Tristan, Carrie, Matt, Jordan and Ryan for NPCing and really getting into it!

Feedback is always appreciated as it helps make the rest of the year even better. It can be a few sentences, a paraphraph or a 9 page essay outlining in great detail; all is welcome. Please send feedback/event review to:


Here are some of my favorites that I can remember:

- Standing behind Cyn/Attwater conversation IG as Kaz'ik without her noticing. When she got up and noticed after saying some "unpleasant things" about him the look of dread upon her face was priceless.
- "So you're saying a bunch of people died just to play matchmaker?"- Krelik in regards to The Desert Rose
- Grimshaw's first reaction to seeing Duchess Cybil, completely loses it out of game as he can't contain himself. Thanks James :p
- Kurzon reading the charges against Fairfax, and seeing how the PCs reacted to it.
- Rawra's denial to "donate" the scroll that is needed, and instead selling it. Good for you Courtney!
- Everything Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. Seriously, that's two events in a row you've outdone yourselves.
- Sam/Ronald/Ramona vague discussions.
- Late night Saturday mod. The Company not letting my NPC say anything, and beating me down by everyone bum rushing me. Fastest mod ever. As I walk back OOG, "Wait, that was it?"-Elliot
- Silp/Oric duel. "Hey, look behind you"-Silp. "I have been adventuring for many years, that will not work on me!"
- Potatoes and Molasses mod.

See you all in May!
My April favorites:

- Banradi's vindication. Hearing him tell everyone how right he was.

- Seeing Ryan As Cybil. Floored me completely.

- Everything Turnsen, such a creepy guy.

- Baron Henri and his killer wingmen!

- The Ancestors! Mirth, Vendetta, and Honor. Sam as the King of the Romany was hilarious.

All in all a great event and lots of fun! Thanks to all who braved a long ride and cold weather to have fun with us. Hope to see you all later!

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>be me
> going on lvl 1 WoW quest with sam and 2 other people
>wild boar appears
>sam disables dynamite lock on cottage while we make boar cutlets
>find quest item, plot stuff happens
>another boar happens
>probably mudered its boar family
>"Hey, lets lure the boar into the cottage like some kind of matador" -sam
>mfw we slam door behind boar and sam locks it inside

Aside from that, The Sarr duel I had with Rara was very fun

The Squire squad

Also accidentally stumbling upon the "protect the chicken" mod only to see two chickens run by me. So I ran one down and murdered it. the chicken got a life spell, then got eaten by a wolf.

Finally bringing straws so I didn't have to drink my face paint along with whatever else I was drinking

Oh also, I got to make good use out of my shemagh. so many uses for it 10/10 everyone should have one
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My Favorite parts.

-Bunks indoors at Pokanoka.
-The Company's Cooking
-Fighting Ratkin in a mine
-Leading a small team to investigate cannibal cave only to realize it's may be something larger, like say a windigo.
-Chicken chasing
-Ryan as Duchess Cybil. I apologize for my reaction, but when you turned around I was not excepting you. You make a lovely Duchess.
-Rusty telling me "I was keeping a straight face till you opened your mouth." in regard to my Duchess reaction
-Being so tired after the town battle Saturday night I slept right through, what I was told, a very raucous auction.
- Cyn's reaction to the gift's I brought her from the children of Forgotten Hope
-Lying on the ground next to Thaddeus and the new Gyspy Girl as we do our death count and the Gypsy's reaction as we slip past the minute then in to dissipation count then in to last minute of the count, while Thaddeus and I try to keep reassuring her we will walk with her back to the earth circle only to have Eve Life us at 4:52 of the count. Thanks Eve!
-having Magic Armour Potions.
-Charging into NPCs swinging terminate so he can blow it on my Magic Armour, then him getting bum rushed by the shielders at my side.
-My new Packet pickup stick, made the job of clean up Sunday so much easier.
-Seeing Thorn. I miss the rest of Wild Rose Adventuring and Trading Company.

- But the wind, That ICY COLD WIND, I could do with out.
My favorites in no particular order...

Friday night healing "Go tell Liddia that Enan said she had to heal you since she didn't come run outside with me"
Gronk Sunday morning "I hoping I can come hunting too, you didn't ask me but I already had my pants on"
Meeting Thorn's Friend and walking away hearing Thorn say "He's a good one"
Arcadia (Sp? Or could be completely wrong because my brain doesn't work good, Fancy armor) oh my all the things, from offering her services then actually using them. "Please make sure no one gets through here." then minutes later there was still no one getting through there, I think that's an adventurer record for holding a position and not wandering off ^.^
Random Enan vs Wormsen anger "Purify! Purify! Purify! Purify! Purify! Purify!" Watching him slither away from the angry earth mage with a look of "I don't want to deal with this kind of hassle" on his face. That's what you get for pushing into my portion of the line.
Feeling important(ish) - Every time I dropped (Thanks a lot Draco who scored HALF of those) the goon squad appeared to save me in an average of about 7 seconds with the longest being about 25 seconds or so.
Tower disaster - Getting lifed with only about a minute left before dissipating when I had no rebirth, Burning a half dozen life spells to empty my own supply before having the rest of the Defenders get everyone else up. (glad nobody was alive to watch me jump over dead people to get my core team back on it's feet first) The Defenders blew 100% of our daily life spells as well as our spell stores and a single times ever.
Tower disaster part 2, - Nehani gets up, "Nehani! Life spells!" "Who?" "Anyone who isn't moving at this point!"
Tower pre-disaster - Oh look Tarquq, Flame Elements <Wicked Fox Grin Received>
Sunday Morning Murder patrol
Ark's Reaver - Hey Ark, look, more humans!
Saturday Night protecting the Duchess "Get her back, protect the Duchess" ....Enan "Duchess, why not come into my limited Circle?" Always love playing circle master/dancer in big fights.
Saturday Night protecting the duchess part 2 - Tossing a death behind "Duke-no spells get past me" to watch Matt's Guard fall over from the spell.
Nehani showing up with no Arcane Armor and his "Well, I didn't want to be a bother" when asked why he didn't let us know in advance.....he's such a deer.
Aurora the Sarr, So adorable and surprisingly effective.
Saturday Night big battle - Starting to Grab younger adventurers and assign them jobs "See that guy with a polearm, your job is to follow him and get in the way of anyone who doesn't like him" you folks did an AMAZING job, the right placement can make any character a massive help in a big fight like that.
Saturday Night Big battle part 2 - Hearing Elle start to yell "Arkemides! Arkemides! Arkemides!" only to show up at her side "What Elle, what do you want!" "Foss wants Arkemides to fight with him" "Well he's busy....anchoring the entire back line!"
Saturday Night Big Battle Part 3 - Gnot on the back line, quiet, effective, and deadly. He wasn't the hero we wanted, but he was the hero we needed. I can pinpoint about 4-5 times we would have had a BIG problem without his pin point spell tossing.
Ritual casting - On here because I'm glad it's done, I did not feel brilliant this time around in my casting.
Auctioning the 40 point suit of armor and a half dozen people going "Shh! SHH! just let them keep bidding!" I think the price got so high because of the model clearly making it look so good.

Finally just the over all feeling of doing all the tiny things to help boost both the town (yay!) and my own influence, it's super cool playing a subtle long game and having so many people be engaged in it whether they realize it or not ^.^
Thank you to Plot and the NPCs! I didn't do much this event, but I'm actually okay with that. I did enjoy hearing the stories about different adventures people went on. :)
Favorites I can remember:

-Singing with the guy who hung around with the Ternians. (I'm sorry I can't remember your name! You have a nice voice!)
-Tending the bar for a bit
---> The conversations that came from that with other Company members, as well as other adventurers
-Having my plot line advance just a bit. I'm both nervous and excited to see where this goes...
-Being part of the small strike team lead by Grimshaw to the cannibal cave
-the Ratmen mod:
RM: We should go report back to Hitch 42
Iggy: Terra, what's wrong?
Me: They're working with Hitch 42!
Iggy: Drop the wall!!
-Walking back from the flushables, hearing a screech from behind, and seeing something running in my general direction. I've never run that fast away from chickens....
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-Tips his hat- Thank ye Kindly Terra. Always a pleasure to find another singer.
Lets see, as for my own highlights....

Firstly a great thank you to everyone involved in my first time out! I was expecting to have fun but I was pleasantly surprised by the overall level of atmosphere and general goodwill going around.

-Singing with Terra and the rest of the Wayside Adventurers on our spirit walk to the keep.
-Myself and other Ternians (low level that we are) getting to play the "nope" game every time the Death Knight swung round Friday Night.
-Mirth and the other Romani ancestors. "Drink with me!!!! No? DEATH."
-Drunken Chicken, and Grimshaw losing his helmet, I had to fight to stop from just dying of laughter.
-"Duke dickpants" "No, Duke Micropenis!"
-Tower shenanigans, everyone going down only for more life spells to be thrown out in under two minutes than I ever hope to see again. (Enan Bluewater - My savior.)
-Seeing my good friend Arcadia holding a line with the best of them despite her low level. She's going to be a force to be reckoned with methinks.
-"I NEED AN AWAKEN POTION" "WE'RE OUT" "Oh well just drop him then."
-Being told in no uncertain terms by Lady Fallingstar that she expected me to write a Ballad about the fall of the Wormy Duke... I have some work to do.
-14 Gold for 40 points of armor, all because Crelik refused to back down.
-The good lady Bidding on the little dragon magic item "Because it's cute! I don't even care about the magic, I just want the cute dragon."
-Wizzle-Wazzle the rifting Goblin and all his tavern shenanigans.
-Delicious Cake saturday night, from my new favorite Orc Lady. (I forgot your name, I apologize!!!)

So many new names and faces, so many more adventures ahead, songs to learn and songs to sing! I look forward to our next adventure.
Thank you all for the kind words and most importantly your patience as the Company took over its first full event with cooking duties. A big shout out to Daphne for her previous tavern work. It took 4-5 of us to complete each meal. I have no idea how you did it by yourself. Kudos!

-The level 1 WoW boar mod that never happened.
-Thanks Ryan and Carley for making me feel like I was in an awful parent-teacher conference Friday night. :p
-Enan and I having a brief discussion about werebear spirits and fey mantles and the importance of not exploding from the inside out.
-Holding my new rolling pin weapon (Thanks Bill!!) Sunday morning and telling Foss to not yell in my bar.
-By the by, between just you and me, Sam thinks he would have made a great Romani King.
-The most singing we ever pulled off for the Saturday Night Mod waystone march! Next time, let's all actually learn all the words!
-The quickest mod ever. Sorry Ryan, but when it starts halfway hailing as we were traveling to the mod, we all unilaterally decided it was in our best interest to just bull rush.
-Being a part of the worst games of operation. I'm so sorry Nate.
-Having the Saturday Night Mod be so dark I was able to trick the NPCs a couple times that I was one of them. Most satisfying back stabs ever.
-Hunting, killing, plucking, draining, skinning, seasoning and cooking Teague the chicken.
-Sam loves it when he can get away with being sassy to a dragon and, you know, live.
-Thanks to all who indulge in Sam's bottle service. It's one of my favorite parts of the tavern.

Thank you to all NPCs and new comers. I look forward to getting into more trouble next event with a ton of new faces who know how to keep a secret.

Just getting out to an event was pretty spectacular^^ Food was amazing, and seeing you guys do it as a crew instead of one or two beleaguered persons made me very hopeful that it will continue- it's always best when you've got backup, prevents burnout. Talking to master smiths, in and out of game, was a pleasure. Getting to help put down a big nasty, and finally coming to a little bit of understanding as to the political realities of the realm, were also pretty cool.

And Mordagh's streak of never bowing to nobles continues unbroken, so yay^^
What a great opener!!!

- talking to Duchess Attwater was about as sassy as Cyn has ever been with a Noble--- and I kept seeing what I thought was Ryan in the window behind me.... Then getting up shocked to be not executed --- only to hear the soothing voice of Ka'zik call be back.... Ryan was right, the look of dread I am sure was on my face was priceless.... How I was allowed to leave was a shocker!!

- the gifts from the children of Forgotten Hope- sweetest thing ever - thank you Grimshaw/James.

- giving Banradi his gift.

- arguing about keeping my arm cut up and doing it a second time as Thaddius just stood there going "wait-- what"

- arguing with Banradi and pissing him off
So much he left me in Targotia ....

- eating with Duchess Cybil- Ryan you are so pretty as her it hurts....

- Figuring out a way to get Oliver to believe us - getting him the proof via memories thanks to the amazing Sebastian!!! That felt like a huge win!!!

- the big fight--- wow that was long and hard and just well played by all!!! Rob- you ok? The final beat down was brutal!

- Edwin for the win!!!

- meeting my other son --- apparently I have twins? Taios

-"Mom has life spells!!!"

- all the nobility everywhere!!!!

- while I hated my newest test- like a lot-- well played staff and thank you Kent!!!!! Forever in your debt!!!

- the blessings of Mother Dumari and the Romani and Rai present super awesome!!! I am so excited!!!!

-likely more- still recovering!

Thank you staff and npcs!!! Gonna be a great year!!!!
Pcs--- time to work together and save the world- like we do!!!!



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I had an extremely fun time at the event, thank you PCs and NPCs for such a great time and opener. Here are my favorites:

- The undead Friday night

- Using a gigantic sword almost taller than me to practice fight with Grimshaw

- The ritual was pretty cool

- Wormsen and his army marching to the tavern and hearing someone scream, "THE WORMS ARE HERE!!" scared the crap outta me

- The slap Fairfax gave Wormsen was unexpected but awesome

- The big Saturday night mod was absolutely amazing

- Getting to kill Wormsen for good was great

- The late Saturday night mod with Crelik, Ragnarok, Lady Fallingstar, and the elf guy who's name I don't remember was funny and interesting

Thanks again everyone for the great event, the PCs and NPCs were amazing, and I hope to see everyone again in May.
Safe to say that Chicago weather welcomed the first event of the season in typical Chicago fashion. In no particular order:

Eviscerating Enan while enslaved and him actually dropping. One more thing to add to the list of "crazy **** I'd thought I never do to an elite player"
Getting to attack Enan and be dropped 3 times before it was thought to
The pre battle march music. More shall need to be added to the playlist :p
Hearing the different reactions to the joke book
Bearing witness to the largest auction price I've ever seen. 175 gold for a Regen scroll woo wee.
Getting to talk shop about blacksmith components and alternate magic item crafting.
undead manor mod-Watching a ghost throw down their weapon, only to trip the nausea trap at our feet
The Ternians were great to interact with, and hope to see them again.

The kitchen was a learning experience, we saw what worked and what didn't. Please feel free to let me or any other Company member any feedback you may have about how food went. Can't wait for next one.
Had a really great RP event! Here's a few of my favorites in no order whatsoever:

-Gypsy Vardo! I absolutely LOVED the look of our cabin! Thanks for all the work you must have put into that Annette!
-Taios and Radi getting to spend time together again and maybe not hating eachother anymore.
-Everything Politics... From the meeting with Turnsen to talking with the Prince to getting right in Duchess Cybils face about not drinking a **** enslavement antidote!
-The three ancestors, and then rifting in to find Taios (Why are you here!? Why are you not green!?) and having Sam be the Gypsy King (Oh really? Go ahead and CURSE ME SAM)
-Everything Greater Goblin related... RP with Nick was great and frustrating!
-Spending time with Stahn... At least /one/ of the adventurers understands you. :D
-Finding a giant hummingbird on Su'lair
-Giving a Lumberjack a life spell... "I really hope I don't regret this... Now go over there and don't get killed again"
-"Mom has Life Spells"
-Teaching the new Rom the Irani Clan song
-Killing blow game!
-Waystone Shenanigans
-The fact that the marriage cloak continues to be a thing. ;)
-Delicious Food
-Running and grabbing Taios from behind enemy lines on the Turnsen mod
-Backpacking Foss
-Talking to the moon again. :)

I think one of my favorite things of this event was the continuation of Radi's frustration/anger/saltiness/distaste/apathy/etc. for almost everyone/everything, yet somehow he still has friends... I'm really looking forward to the future RP that will entail. I promise I'm not a **** OOG! :p

Thank you to everyone who helped make the game run smoothly! I had an awesome time. See you all in May!
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It was amazing having so many great NPCs! You all worked hard to keep the action going all event (despite the freezing wind!) Thanks to all of you for coming out.

--Seeing so many new faces on both sides was awesome, I hope we see you all again next month!
--"Don't say Turnsen, he's Duke WORMsen"
--Ramona wasting dear old dad's money, and poor Reggie getting arrested again

--The moon coming for a visit*
*Finding out no one remembered what they wanted to ask me
**Except of course Banradi-- "Why is there a waystone on you?"
***Relieved to find out PCs had figured out my poem, or at least as far as "the early bird gets the worm" ;)
****Then running into Foss on the way back out... "But who is the Fisher?!"

--Breakfast goblins, keeping our perfect record of failing to convince PCs to follow us home, then somehow ending with Cyn saying, "Wait--He can cast necromancy because he's a fish???"
--Silp and Taios... You know what I mean :p
--The super intense Foss vs. snake duel
--"Is your hair magical? Duke Wormsen really wants it to decorate his tower"
--Sam successfully carrying out his plan with the beer barrel to get evidence, deciding not to burn poor Finnias's house down, instead merely locking a boar inside. I'm sure Finnias is glad he got off easy there.
--Sending a Ternian guard out twice to invite PCs for a chat, and hearing he got banished from Wayside instead... Lucretia just wanted to have a tea party, I swear!
--Making Thorn stand out in the cold for like a half hour while I jabbered at him; you win the record for longest continuous run of listening to me deliver exposition after midnight. :)
--The look on Liddia's face when I gave her Titan's spine: "I thought you'd like to see an old friend."
--The ring mod and yelling back and forth with Ignathis
--Too many things to mention about Saturday night, starting with: "Foss, don't attack Duchess Cybil" --"Don't worry, Banradi will stop him." Three minutes later: "I beat down Duchess Cybil." C'mon, I just wanted to finish my dinner before we started attacking nobles! :p
--Somehow managing to keep the town from bum-rushing Rob until I got the slap in... Props to Emma B for doing Rob's peel-away face! That was gross.
--Deathing two of Teague's Death Worms ;)

Time to dive into planning for next event...
Big thanks to all the pcs and npcs. I had a blast at my first time out. Going in I was a little shy an honestly wasn't sure what to expect and you all were great.

I had fun running from almost every box there as all I had were thrown weapons

Being in both night battles and then realizing that thrown weapons get lost in the dark quickly lol

The food was amazing

The whole lot of you being patient with me and answering my questions

The tower encounter
Me dying then one of our many healing capable adventuring friends heals me an what happens five seconds after I get up? I get hit again an start dying lol it was like lather rinse repeat. It was still fun though.

I learned a lot and look forward to my next opportunity to attend an see you all
In no particular order,

rob: " i have been out here 15 minutes and i already lost my flashlight" me: " um, its on your head man" rob: thanks for that, that will be on your faves ((yup, top one too LOL))
the tower.......WOW, that was so much fun and rough. first time i think ever i have been able to tell a PC on a normal swing "no effect", and we still almost got rolled
the new ternians. LOTS of fun to RP and get to know, hope to see you all soon
gronk';s magic trick "look, i'm human"
the reading of all the charges.....and amazed he was allowed to get that far with them
noble butt whoopin, and the SLAP. yeah, so did not see that coming, AMAZING RP.
cribbage on friday night, almost got the double skunk on Arc :D, and teaching a few others how to play to boot :D
the singing on the way to the saturday night mod
the saturday nigth mod, that was intense. also, hurling arrows at rob up on the deck didn';t hurt my feeling one bit
sunday morning daisy chain mods. fun times
the vision doing the ritual casting....i swear ritual magic is trying to get me into SO much trouble with neolani LOL
great RP getting trained in parry
food was the NUMMEH

all i can think of for now, great event overall, hopefully can make the next one

I thought of more(sort of :p)

Enan ritual casting, ALWAYS entertaining to watch and listen to.
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In no particular order:

Seeing so many new people
Seeing so many friends I made last year
The tower
defending the fortress, (other than the one spot where I couldn't see because of the light behind the PC's)
Water Elementals protecting a forest from the lumber jack and the brave trio of adventurers.
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