August Event Favorites!


Chicago Staff
Running around with no weapon skill and a weakness as my only offensive spell during the big fight Saturday night. Being in on the hush hush (okay, not super hush hush, we were fairly obvious about it. Thank goodness for monologues!) plan to set up a circle to start a ritual around the misbehaving zodiacs. A hold is called, the circle goes up, and marshals start checking who is in the circle and who isn't. The shock from PCs and NPCs alike trapped in the "secret" circle was really fun to watch. "Hold! Ok, nobody move, we have to check to see who is in the circle." "The WHAT?!"

The look on the dwarf's face when I asked him nicely to not mine me for precious stones/minerals.

"How are we supposed to first aid you?" "Uh, I don't know, rub some dirt in it?"

"I think it's time for puppet theater." "Oh, is that like kitty picnic?" "I like you, you make as little sense as I do."
Fighting the Brotherhood as a NPC.
Being part of the Two Beer wagon deliveries.
Use may map during one of the Beer Wagon mods to get some valuable intelligence on location of supply routes. And the going back later that night and sacking the supply camp.
Being a Stone Elf Task Master and proclaiming that I did not have slaves but that those under my employ are “compensated”. All the while yell the the people pushing the wagan and going to slow and commanding the to move faster.
Being Ms. Scarlet’s Pimp and not letting the NPC soil her for their Captain. She was an unpicked flower after all.

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-Loved all the new people. They all need to come back!
-Remember that time we crashed a kegger with the King's men? And then, I went to hug drunk NPC Ryan to waylay him only to have him announced his magic armor and then we proceeded to both laugh because we were too drunk to care? Good times, man.
-Lady Scarlet's purity will stay intact! Kael as our sexy lady bait for the Evan Stone mod was amazing. Not to mention that mod also created the infamous "Freedom Barrels".
-Nothing is more frightening then having Paul play a major NPC and seeing him decide that you are his number one target while you only have a flute in your hands.
-Lockpicking my first chest! The most frustrating/satisfying 5 minutes of the event.
-At one point during the Saturday night mod, I had to actively concentrate and I didn't realize till I was almost done that most of the new barbarians had formed around me to protect me. Felt awesome, thanks guys.
-Kudos to my new battle buddy, the cheetah sarr (Sorry forgot your name)!
-Also loved Bobo the VIII, the hallucinating bear! It was the best part of the birthday party.
-Special thanks to Kyle, Carly, and Ryan for continuing to endure whatever shenanigans the Company/Brotherhood keep throwing their way. You guys are awesome.

There's so much more I loved about this weekend but can't think of it all. Great time, can't wait for more.
Thank you Plot and Staff!
Thursday night antics (i know it wasn't really part of the event.)
Kabobs for everyone!
Seeing my first Sarr! (Come back please! you were all great!)
Aaron/Gnot as an NPC is terrifying.
"Arsita we have to talk about your box." -Keeper
Effective use of alchemy on the bomb escort mod. WAHOO I helped!
Bucky complementing the Brotherhood as the bravest adventurer's in the land. The mind boggles.
The farmer with a bit of a frog problem and a ugly daughter to spare.
The blue frog with teeth mod was just was I needed at the time. "poor bessie!" "I erupt from the chest 1..." "like aliens?" "yes just like that. I erupt from the chest 2..."
Thanks for coming out everyone. 90 degrees and muggy was not ideal, but we got through it! Again, thanks for those that jumped ship for a few mods: Jon and Brian for Saturday; Peter, Aaron and Dawn for Sat Night and anyone I may have missed. It was also fun to see The Melting Pot and crew show up.

- Wooden Man Mod. Sometimes it's just nice to do a low combat mod with various puzzles and still have meaning
- Morgan Bleu's Birthday Party! It was so much fun to drink, eat cupcakes and BS with people. Magic Laugh Warder Glyph definitely helps. Rupadeedoo!
- Leon/Aquari/Giles RP. "We've waited 500 years, a little longer won't be so bad"- a crying Aquari as she trades her life for Giles.
- Leon being all cocky and killing Aquari. Then I hear the flute being played and I crack the biggest smile and count to 10. Paul and Alexander finally noticed on the 9 count and then boom, Aquari is trapped into the flute through the CoP. My favorite moment of the weekend.
- The guy looking to create a will for his estate
- I call upon the power of the Kobold summon Undead minions, VR Create Undead Minions! ...8 Harm Undead, 8 Harm Undead. Poor end to the worst Necromancer in history. RIP Cobalt Emperor.
- GFW Camp. Sometimes it's worth it to go with a crazy mod request, and see what happens.
- 4 Waylay. "Magic Armor". "HAHAHAHA" 1 am laugh-fest for the win.
Thanks Plot and NPCs!

-The Farmer and the Blue Frogs mod. RIP Bessie
-I was surprised by this, but being a scribe was fun. Thank's Foss!
-The nice birthday party we attended complete with Cake Golems, lightning, a hallucinating bear.
-Learning about elf history in-game and then attempting to learn Resist Command.
Had an enjoyable time despite the stickiness.

-The Giant Frog mod; "I won't lie to you, my daughter is first floor material at best"
-The escort mission of just Keeper and I. There's a near mystical bond forged when 2 people dispose of evidence together
-Desperately fighting for my life on the ground with both legs stunned against Aaron as NPC looming over
-How well the food turned out in spite of the threatening weather. Kabobs and chicken breasts were perfect.
-The new sarrs and barbarians were great. I hope this is the first of many for you guys.
-Meeting with the hearthguard (another dwarf!) and basically having future goals laid out before me
Want to thank Plot and all the NPC's and those who jumped the fence. You guys made this an awesome weekend despite the crappy weather.
- All the new players. You guys were awesome, especially the barbarians.
- Draco & Keeper's evidence disposal service mod. "Why do people come to me die"It is a special bond Draco that can never be broken. (tear)
- Seeing Kael in a dress. Sexy man. Well I know where he will be working.
- Awesome Rp during the Beer mod and the aftermath.
- Gaint Blue Frog mod and the NPC (sorry don't know your name) He played along with our ridiculousness like a champ.
- Getting cursed with a berserk every time I see a goblin. Not a great thing when you help run a goblin knife fighting ring.
- Birthday mod. I love Arty and Bobo VIII
- Sash and Boobs NPC (Yes, the Brotherhood has officially named her that.). You also played along like a champ.
My take on the event:

  • Humidity and bug bites. OMG!!!
  • Boob sash. Your predictions were amazing!!!
  • Don’t being tortured by Gnot and Sae. Tickling and Ice while confined, that was so mean.
  • Everything coming to a stop because Don’t was crying and upset. That had to be the worst game of phone ever. Yes Dawn is OK out of game and not mad at Paul.
  • The Brotherhood camp becoming an armed camp for a little bit to protect Don’t. Love you guys. :D
  • Kael in a dress, he was sooooo sexy.
  • NPCing the Elder Mystic.
  • NPCing the bird. I liked how some of you all thought out of the box to deal with me. That was loads of fun.
  • Rob waiting for me to head off to the bathroom to do the bunny mod. YOU SUCK. :p LOL. Nice planning to keep Don’t out. Not like she isn’t already paranoid.
Thank you to all the new/old players who came to game. OMG I haven’t seen some of ya all in YEARS. Hope you had fun and come back to play with us.
To the Plot team and NPCs, THANK YOU for all your hard work.
To the PCs, thank you for the wonderful RP and good time.

Dawn V.
The crazy old lady
It was great seeing so many new faces this weekend. I hope you can all make it for the next one!

--Brotherhood shenanigans, proving that all problems can be solved with beer barrels, whether or not they're filled with beer. Needless to say, hilarity ensued. Also, "You have very... uh, strong-looking hands for a lady, Miss Scarlet."
--Finally managing to pull off a reflect magic/web combo to get a web to stick on a golem, and then just standing there while he ripped free because I wasn't carrying a weapon.
--Jehan's reaction when I called Oliver a gigantic tool.
--Having our friends from college to NPC Saturday. Thanks John and Summer (i.e. "boob sash," let's try to keep it classy, guys o.o).
--Coming back to town to get the barbarian troop, realizing halfway I'd forgotten to bring a weapon... Oh well, what's the worst that could happen? La la la... Werewolf attack
--Saturday night fog, and Paul's amazing performance as Leon! You and Alexander make a great bad guy team.
--Bad Wolf living up to his heroic reputation after everyone else ran away at the end of Saturday night

Thanks everyone, and we hope to see you next time!