August menu.


Welcome back to New Acarthia everyone, I’m glad to be back in my normal kitchen again. This event will be back to what most of you are used to, as far as food goes. Keith (Radulfr Torgard) has donated some equipment to the kitchen that I will use during this event and others in the future. Thanks Keith!

Throughout the Gathering:
Fresh Fruit
Other Drinks Available for Purchase-
1 copper for Lemonade, Orange juice, Iced tea, Milk, and House Ales & Wines (Coke and pepsi products)
Consignment Beverages Variously Priced.

Saturday Brunch:
Quiche (Specifics TBD) It’s back
Hash Browns
Porridge (steel cut oats)
Various accompaniments (honey, butter, brown sugar, berries, etc.)

Saturday dinner:
Large salad with toppings
Grilled Sandwiches (I will be cooking the meats onsite and plan on having more than on type but I don’t know what options I have yet. I will update this post and Facebook with what I have when I know.)
Dessert surprise (It will have peaches)

Sunday Brunch:
Something special from Radulfr and Harri
Eggs (Scrambled)
Hash Browns
Porridge (steel cut oats)
Various accompaniments (honey, butter, brown sugar, berries, etc.)

Again I will have an item that will be available when the game start and until Sunday afternoon. It will not be available just before and during normal food service times. It will be for sale in game for 1 copper per serving. How I’m able to fit this into my budget is that I will be getting items that are on sale at the time I go shopping. That means I don’t know what it is until, normally, the day before the event. I will make a post as soon as I know what it will be. It might not always be soup.

If you wish to donate funds toward my purchasing ingredients for the weekend long item, send funds to the Denver Alliance Paypal , with the note “Weekend Soup”, before midnight Wednesday, so that I can purchase the ingredients when I do the last of the other Tavern shopping. Funds received after the deadline will likely miss shopping, and will be used for ingredients in future Weekend Soups.

Thank you for all your help keeping the tavern clean. Any questions please contact me at

Jack Jenkins
Alliance Denver Tavern Manager
