Creature of darkness.


*A snarl rises in the darkness, Zehnyu's voice calm and cold.*

You have touched something sacred you cannot even begin to comprehend.

You have made a sworn enemy that will take great pleasure in making you beg from the depths of mercy before I rip your misbegotten mangy spirit apart with my bare claws.

..So enjoy your miserable half existence, while you can. I will have vengeance for my cub.

I grieve with you. Please know once i was made aware of the news, My heart broke. I went out and hunted the best way I knew how, to honor her death and memory. I remembered Parduc teaching something on the matter years ago. Please know I will do all I can to gather any and all information, find justice and pursue vengeance for the loss of Her. Know also that in her Honor and memory I have decided to carry the Burden and desire she once did. I am humbled to do so.

Squire, Commander Ithica

"Follow me if i advance, Kill me if i retreat, Avenge me if I die"
Squire Commander,
I was made aware of what you have chosen to take on in my daughter's stead; and I think she would've wanted it that way. Should I ever see you again, I'll show you exactly what Parduc was talking about -make sure to bring some small hunting knives, so you have weaponry with you, unless you would choose to use your bare hands, which would be better.

- Z

Who are you again?

and whats this "burden" you speak of?

-Captain Tsuku Negrie Wyngard
.... I am Ithica....... Squire to His Excellency, Baron Ivan Drake of Blythedale, Commander of the Blythedale Forces, Princep' (Prin-sept) of the Immortal Legionnaires, Tusnian Berserker, Son of Vengeance, Protectorate of Icenia.

The Burden....... I only know that Khaadi shared that part of her Story with some. I apologize, but i do not feel it is my place to share, with a Stranger. However I do think i have heard your voice in dreams before, perhaps turn to Zehnyu or one of Khaadi's kin for the answers you seek, with all do respect Captain.

Squire, Commander Ithica

"Follow me if I advance, Kill me if i retreat, Avenge me if i die"
I was once called brother and kin by Khaadijah, until she decided to cease communications with me altogether, for unknown reasons, deciding rather not to consult her family and co-captain of our crew before going off to do stupid things with..certain parties..but i'm not going into that can of worms.

So, once again..What is this burden you so speak of?

And Aunt Zehnyu can chime in if she so pleases, there is nothing stopping her from doing so.

Captain Tsuku Negrie Wyngard
I see, and sorry of the parting of you and Khaadi back when, I sense some bitterness or frustration perhaps on that topic, though none of that is my business and i care not to make it so.

So with respect, Once again, I feel its not my place to discuss the Deeds or Circumstances of her life pertaining to this topic, seek your answers elsewhere. I can only say I cared for Khaadi as a sister, was her Guardian at one point, and I am Honored and humbled by her last words and wishes pertaining to me.

- Ithica
There was no parting, simply lack of communication concerning certain things.

In any case, why are you so reluctant to answer my question? Do you see Khaadijah's responsibilities as Captain as a burden?

You are welcome to send me a missive if you are afraid to let others hear your answer, spirits know who or what might be listening.

Captain Tsuku Negrie Wyngard
So now it's silence, eh? Is this how you would treat all of Khaadijah's kin that are seeking answers? and you think that makes you worthy to carry any of her burdens?
What makes me worthy, was her words in her Will for me to do so.

And it seems you have a hard time understanding simplicity after I have tried to be polite on more then 1 occasion, Normally I would ignore you at this point, but since this is a sad time and I see you are frustrated, I'll repeat myself one more time, a little more blunt...

I do not know you, and even if I did, it would not be my place to speak on these matters. Perhaps If she thought you WORTHY to be informed about it she would of told you herself. Or made arrangements to let you know. I do not know who she shared this with, other then Z and a few others.... I myself didn't even know until after she had passed.

So for the last time, seek your answer elsewhere.

-Squire, Commander Ithica
*The hiss is wicked, seething, and dangerous. There is a coldness felt throughout every word, and seeming very unnatural, even for Zehnyu*

Know your place in this situation. You know well, as does all of Fortannis, that we don't always share information between ourselves, let alone the outside world.

*the tone turns low, and menacing*

And if I ever, -ever- hear of you talk of poor decisions or mistakes being made again, I will remind you of no less than two deaths your spirit has suffered for stupidity's sake for following a Captain blind.

Do not stand to point fingers at the permanently dead.

Honor their memory.

Help put them to rest by offering aid to whatever task at hand, no matter who's shoulders it has fallen upon.

Or shut up.

*The hiss and growl end abruptly, as if snapped from the dream realm.*
Khaadijah iz gone? Ven did ziz 'appen?!

Zehnyu I am zorry for your lozz. You vere in ze deadlandz viz me ven Jarrin died. I remeber what you zaid to me. Now az a mozer I zay to you I am zorry for you lozz. I don't know vat I vould do to zome vone iv zey 'armed my daughterz.

Lanna Rose Draken
*there was a sigh, the sound of creaking wood, and crackling fire that sounded as though it were welling up, before dying off* Fine.

I have attempted to be polite, in spite of the fact that the continent I until recently called home collapsed under the Void..I have remained quiet for FAR too long it seems..Ithica, piss off. I asked a simple question, which required a simple answer, but no, you chose to be arrogant instead. Some squire you're turning out to be, although exactly what one would expect a squire under Ivandrake to be. An idiot.

Ahh, Auntie Zehnyu..

You wish me to know my place?..and where is that? under yours and until recently Khaadijah's boots? and now, this human's? Apparently it is not among some of those I thought of as family, as they did not, and do not reciprocate that feeling. My place is with my crew, and always shall be, unlike some. Need I remind YOU of where your place is? and where your PRIDE has gotten you?

I will not honor the permanently dead, that did not honor the permanently dead in life with their ill-actions.

The marines and crew will have their orders.

I regret ever showing kindness to those who never deserved it, but those times are gone.

Our next meeting will not be a pleasant one. If there ever is one.


--Captain Tsuku Negrie Wyngard
Brother of Admiral Parduc Negrie
Bearer of the Eyes of the Ancients

*the crackling of fire dies*
Everyone is always so brave and careless with their mouth when in this realm... Truly courageous to make threats from the safety of your dreams ... And even better people love to pull the "Squire" Card whenever they can, like a blind fool, swinging his sword in hopes to hit someone and pick a fight. You simply did not get your way and so you resort to being ignorant and problematic. I'm sorry, but nothing about me being Squire says anything about having to adhere to the request of a rude, hard headed, belly aching, no honor, self centered pup like you....

Listen to your Aunt, you ignorant, babbling fool, know your place.....I tried to be polite and diplomatic. You say you asked a simple question. The simple answer was " It is not my place to discuss it"... You simply cannot take a hint, and now it seems your feelings are hurt because my answer was not favorable to you. Listen carefully one more time, you were not significant enough to be informed of the "burden"... Furthermore Its not my fault your own Kin stopped talking to you, wanted nothing to do with you, and chose not share parts of her life with you. And instead of honoring her you decide to continuously whine like a child.

You are pathetic and it's clear now why she probably cut connection with you in the first place. You didn't get your way, so you resort to 'dream realm muscles', your words are now shameful to even your own 'kin', and you resort to threatening your Aunt "next we meet, blah blah blah...", even though you know you probably have no intention of ever showing yourself to settle your problems face to face.... Just Do us all favor, jump in that void your continent collapsed in and rid us of your stupidity and ignorance.

-Squire, Commander Ithica
I don't know who Captain Tsuku Negrie Wyngard is... or what any of you are talking about, but I do know those words toward Baron Ivan sounded an awful lot like mockery of a Noble to me. I have no idea why you would pick here an now to state something like that. There is a large human population in Fairdale and throughout Icenia who think very highly of His Excellency. I happen to be one of them. That being said, please dream your ignorant dreams elsewhere. Your mind and presence is obviously not welcome here or in Fairdale.

-Archwizard Nathan Westwind
Guildmaster, Fairdale Mages' Guild
Elemental Warden of Icenia

I understand yer all upset and stuff. But ya don't go insulting baron Ivan Drake. You also don't go insulting squire Ithaca whom may I say is showing amazing restraint. I dunno What drama ya have goin on. But pitching a fit in the dreams for all to invision ..well That's dumb. I'd ask ta take yer disputes private. Hopefully cooler heads prevail and you don't come off sounding like a freshly spanked child. When people die it sucks. We get sad and angry and desperate for answers. Don't go generating dishonor from what seems a noble death.


Marcusagrim Anvilstrike
I believe Ithica answered the question several times. Stating that he did not feel comfortable sharing information he had just recently received through Khaadijah's will. As he apparently had no instruction to pass that information along he felt it more prudent to keep it quiet and let those who know more of the situation or knew of it longer explain it if they chose to. He took the time to explain this and even remained remarkably calm for his usual self, and I fail to see how he acted as a poor squire.

I understand you and Khaadijah had your differences. From what I understand, you were warranted in your feelings. I also know I don't know the whole story, and quite frankly it's not my place to. I am not going to judge your actions or Zehnyu's actions here with limited information on the topic in an emotionally trying time. I commend you for your loyalty to your crew and their welfare, but I must warn you, while I have only met you briefly and have no quarrel with you, if you speak ill of Baron Ivan Drake or take violence against Zehnyu my hand will be forced to stay neutral no longer. While Baron Drake has made tactical errors from time to time, as have we ALL, he is a pure-hearted and courageous man who places the needs of his people and those of lower station above all else. And as to Zehnyu, I am blood bound to her and oath bound as well in certain aspects, a commitment I do not take lightly in any sense of the word.

As to Khaadijah, Zehnyu or Ithica, if you want another sword at your side for whatever must be done I would be honored to hunt with you or assist in anyway. I understand the need for privacy and will brook no ill will if you do not feel me worthy to share the task.

-Gwendara Alanik