eakin returns well wouldn't say returns


hi all its me nick aka eakin mist ryder if you don't remember i was the guy with the walker back at 2010 feast game anyway long story short i had to move and all this **** happened so was out of state of state for sometime and now thats all done i thought i'd come try to join up again is the Minnesota still alive and well
if so when the next game i'd like to hit the reset and start by npcing before making a pc i do have a rule book now and been waiting to see if i could game with you all i live in robbinsdale now so that may be close to the some of the game sites but i heard that mn alliance has it own permit site is that right
so any im me or reply to this
hope to see you all soon
*jumps on old man soap box*

Punctuation is your friend. By breaking up your thoughts using a period ".", or a comma ",", people might actually be able to read your post easier.

*gets off soap box*

Welcome back! Yes, the chapter is alive and well! :)
*jumps on old man soap box*

Punctuation is your friend. By breaking up your thoughts using a period ".", or a comma ",", people might actually be able to read your post easier.

*gets off soap box*

Welcome back! Yes, the chapter is alive and well! :)
grate whats the new permanent site like
Maybe he just talks real fast?? :)
sometimes i forget the proper punctuation i don't type with my disability makes it. hard and all But i take no offence.
OK, you get a pass on the spelling and punctuation - we will just call it a brain exercise for the rest of us :) which is always a good thing.

Welcome!! I play a Biata named Socora (when not out beating on NPC's) We look forward to having you come and join us. As I just told another potential new player - being an NPC is a great way to start. Gives you the chance to get the feel of things, not worry about dying, get to do all sorts of different rolls, and eat for free (in game), plus you earn extras that you can then use to boost your PC when the time is right.

We look forward to meeting you :)