The incomparably noble and virtuous and honorable and green Sir Brom and his many, many chivals. I look forward to delivering your bottles. <3 It was lovely to share a good sneak with all of you! Vigilant Thou was very impressed!
Valerion Bitch Queens +1! That was so fun! Katie was everything I could ask for in a battlespouse*, the Scions pulled off the RP magnificently. Also, I got to shout. I love to shout.
The unique in my personal experience opportunity to dress up nicely, engage in politics, and agree with people, all at the same time. Thanks, Juren!
Meeting Paxton's character in the Eld mod. Shekka just can't keep her starlight to herself! Finally someone else gets it! <3
Hobling. Misrule. Thanks so much to everyone who made it happen, ESPECIALLY to Hannah for coming back to employ us and Vincent for being himself!
Gabrielle and Xander, you guys KILLED IT on the stealth mod! I got the actual bejeezus scared out of me when I got caught up in some pretend-slave-sweeping that turned into some legit man-this-cabin-is-dirty sweeping, and they snuck up on me really very effectively. Great RP, excellent rescue 10/10 would elevate heartbeat again.
OMG the new players mod! It's so heartening to see PCs give the spooky witch the benefit of the doubt (sorry I didn't deserve it!) Great roleplay, I had a lot of fun with you guys! Hope we see you back in April!
*This is very different from a regular spouse, and the qualifications bear very little resemblance