
Hey guys!

Now that the craziness that is the end of my every year is over, I'm looking at prep work for various hobby things over the next year.

Are we going to see a link for IBGAs in the near future?

(I promise, the one I'm about to write will be less detailed than many of the ones I write).

Thanks in advance!
While it is an action to send in a mod day idea, and it is done certainly between games... I think folks have more been wondering when/if/how we can send in our character's activities between the end of November and the start in April in order to set the stage of them not being in cryo-stasis during the winter off-season.
Purely in Jesse's hands atm beyond what has been announced in the link meirya provided.
No worries, guys. I have a particular use for IBGAs (in this case, to cultivate a personal interest toward potential future things), and I don't think it would fold well into a mod day at this point (never mind the logistical issues). But, I've been in the position of someone trying to fill all of those IBGAs right before a game, so I understand that it can be problematic. I had simply not heard that IBGAs and mod day might become one and the same thing.

If that's the clarification, that'll be fine. I will find another vector into the strange and obscure information. *smiles*

Thank you for the responses!
Hey folks! Let me try to clarify for one and all!
You can send in one BGA between November and end of February for what you might want to accomplish during the winter. This may or may not be tied to your Feb mod day. EX: I want to do research for 2 months on the existentialism of glow worms. Then at the mod day, hypothetically, your team goes off to fight undead somewhere, totally unrelated. That's fine. Please don't send in a BGA if it doesn't actually require anything from plot. EX: I travel to the estate of Berrydom and spend my winter drinking berry juice all day and playing cards to pass the time.

Or if you would like to do research or take an action that leads to the mod day, even better !!! That would help plot determine what it is that you'd like to do there. We have received one mod day submission so far. Keep em coming!

Then after the mod day, you get another bga if you'd like to do something before the opener. We will post links and deadlines for these soon. If you have any other questions about any of this, fire away!
An IBGA form should be up in the next day or so. Apologies for the delay.
Is the form for wintertime BGAs up? I can't seem to find the link.
