Japanese Movie Geeks I need your help

there is a movie about some kids from a school that get put on an island with collars on i think maybe i'm wrong about the collar i can't remember anyways they have to keep moving from quadrant to quadrant and wipe each other out and if you're caught in the certain quadrant you get blown up. anyways only one girl survives at the end and i think she kills the teacher but then he gets up and eats some cookies....

i KNOW this sounds weird but does anyone know what this movie is called?????
BATTLE ROYAL YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Marcena said:
Japanese movies give me the creeps. Have you seen Audition? *shudders*

You have to keep in mind that the director of Audition is... different.
Not all Japanese movies are like that.
I can't believe I didn't notice this post. Not that I hang out in the Off-Topic section much, but I'm a total asian movies/drama junkie.

For the record. Battle Royale. Awesome. Original cut better than Director's Cut if you ask me.
Battle Royale 2. Bad... very bad. Don't watch it.
Marcena said:
Bad as in The Village bad or bad as in Saw 4 bad?

Wasn't the tagline in Saw 4 "It's a trap"?
I mean, no kidding.
How about "Saw 4, it's going to be bloody?"
whorfin said:
Wasn't the tagline in Saw 4 "It's a trap"?
I mean, no kidding.
How about "Saw 4, it's going to be bloody?"

I think it should have been:
Saw 4, The Movie Where People Get Tortured
Saw 4, The Return of the Sharp Objects
Saw 4, slightly longer than Saw 3 but not quite so long as Saw 1
<= adored the movie TheAudition and ICHI THE KILLER oh my good stuff!!! guy gets his face cut off and it flies out of the room an dgets stuck to the wall and slides down it!!! oh man i almost puked though at the audition with the apartment scene where you see what was in the BAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH that was weird!!!!

i didnt' know there was a battle royal 2....i don't think i'd watch it...as for the saw movies: never saw them HAHAHAHAHAHAH pun intended!!! seriously though i have heard what they're about but i can't watch horror movies they scare me..can't stand to be scared....
i have friends (very best friends) who love horror movies especially B ones but ...i just can't do it...movies that are totally supernatural that could NEVER happen about ghosts and freddy and jason scare me to heck!!! but horror movies about real people that could actually happen don't bother me at all like serial killer stuff.....weird huh?
watching someone shoot up makes me gag like in pulp fiction however i do it and it doesn't bother me anymore TOTALLY PRESCRIPTION there.....
Needles don't bother me. I think it's funny when people get all squeamish, like most of my friends.....

AND! Did you know that in Pulp Fiction, all of the clocks are set to 4:20?
DOH!!! are you serious??? i love weird movie booboos or intentional booboos! i hear theres a car in fellowship of the ring but i've watched the supposed scene over and over and cant see it!
You've read it though right?

You're not just some unlettered savage...