Journal of Floral, Fauna, Funga, Bioma, and More...

Shen [he/him]

I would like to begin the process of community documentation of that which we cross paths with and information regarding the disposition, danger, strengths and weaknesses.

This past market gathering, I started this within the yet to be named Tavern and was thrilled to see that when returning from exploration fellow adventurers were not only updating the list, but also the make shift Map we had started.

This will not be a bards telling or recounting fit for publication. But a simple collection of things we have found to exist in this new world and our interactions with it.

As the community board quickly ran out of room by our second evening - please feel free to add information below of those which you encountered but are not listed already. I will attempt to update the list as I am able.

At the moment we are still operating off of our make shift line drawing of a map and should any adventurer have cartography professional skills everyone would likely be thankfull.
  • Fermites of Two Stop. 7 days travel by foot.
  • Dragons, "way" north of Fermites of Two Stop
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Exploration of the Time Spider Caves
Apprentice Magistrate Shen and the adventuring community as a whole,

I have taken it upon myself to document these "Time Tunnels" if any other paths were explored, I would greatly appreciate information about them so that I can update my personal maps and begin to create a much more formal version.

Kettle Croquette Flank Kolrabi of the Guilderncage, III of his Clutch, the Apothecary of House Aviary
North: Fermites of Two Stop. 7 days travel by foot. The Orcs of Mozdon are going to explore it and hang with the locals.

I believe some bought maps of the area. Though I dont know who.

They are giants who when they eat something a part of them transforms to have similar features.

We met One Foot, whose foot changes first then the rest of the body. Nice guy. Gave us Horse meat.

He also told us about the Centaur/Rock Troll rivalry and the scary Tentacles in the ocean. Also the big scary dragons waaaay north of his village. Oh aaaaand our teleportation ritual glassed their fields. What was plains and green is now desert.

Honestly not sure whats wirse that or the petrified town

He also told us about the Centaur/Rock Troll rivalry
Interesting, I was with a Group who encountered Stone Trolls who claimed to be acting on behalf of a Centaur and that one's family and said Centaur's family have long standing positive connection...

and the scary Tentacles in the ocean.
noted, but where is the ocean - I thought we landed with a very large Lake to our south?
Also the big scary dragons waaaay north of his village.
the petrified town
.... the what now? I mean... where's that...?
Interesting, I was with a Group who encountered Stone Trolls who claimed to be acting on behalf of a Centaur and that one's family and said Centaur's family have long standing positive connection...

noted, but where is the ocean - I thought we landed with a very large Lake to our south?


.... the what now? I mean... where's that...?
Oh I know a bit about the petrified town! It was across the bridge to the southeast I believe and the entire population had been turned to stone. We tried various things to help them but ultimately we were unable to do so. My thought was that a Destroy Magic ritual may help them but we did not have access to one to test the theory. Negotiation mentioned that he had recently traveled there to trade with them as recently as Friday night so the assumption is that the Ritual to allow us access to the land had some sort of backlash that petrified the town. There was also fertile land there to be farmed so if we can't help the town we may be able to farm it ourselves.

Any updates by those who explored any new areas or further explored existing places, people, plants, animals, enviroments?
Any updates anyone would like to share regarding their explorations?

Locations we can pin to a makeshift map?

Creatures and other such?

Collectable Resources (quarry/mine/farm/etc)?

We have also seen a lot of Oozes and I think we should probably document all the different types we've seen and what is expected from them. I know recently DeSylvia and I crossed paths with three we had never yet seen. Black, Pink, and "clear".
It may behoove us to split the vastly different topics into different threads. One for creatures, one for plants, and one for cartography. I have much I can say about plants in the area as I have found myself searching for new materials in this world.

Kettle Croquet Flank Kolrabi of the Guilderncage III of his clutch, the Apothecary of House Aviary
I would agree, but we have not yet had enough interest to generate multiple volumes of information. But if separation to those volumes now rather than later may provoke that interest, I would entirely support it.
Between the Physicker and I we have at least a dozen plants we could give documentation on. In terms of creatures I believe we have met around the same number, getting them documented while fresh on the mind is probably pertinent.

Kettle Croquet Flank Kolrabi of the Guilderncage III of his clutch, the Apothecary of House Aviary