Killing Time

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Valka yawned, slouching at a table in the Ogre's Head tavern, just a few more things to finish up, she swirled her ale with a sigh before downing the last of it. The hope was that the person she was waiting on would show up prior to the caravan departing. The road waits for no one and there was no way she'd be passing up a large trading caravan to Winterhelm to swap stories. Only a few hours more.
Garridan plops himself down in a chair at Valgarda's table, beer in hand. "Valgarda how are you? I didn't get a chance to talk to you after you guys came bak from the mission you accompanied Evo on. How did it go, what happened? I'm trying to keep track of a;; the goings on with Kara Vale. Especialy after her alliance with the Dark Reaches."
"Mmm?" Valka looks up and smiles in greeting "I'm well enough, Garridan. No thanks to that mission you mentioned" she lets out a long sigh and waves a barmaid down, "another if you don' mind, miss".

"The place was well and truly abandoned, which was lucky for us, not a one of us with healing spells, I knew we were going into a bad place though, the omens were all baneful at best. I mean, that very morning I saw a jay's nest with all of the chicks pushed out, dead on the ground and another bird, I don't know what sort, calling out challenges from the nest."

Valka turns her drinking horn over in her hands, "There is, well, was some very wrong things happening there. More wrong than the simple raising of undead, there were pictures gruesome, vile pictures of man and beast sewn together, anatomies of terrible monsters.

"We saw the remains of some of her experiments, one of them was still alive, well, undead? Wailing for her baby that one, the baby, if you can call it that was left on a pedestal, trapped of course. When out of some misguided pity one of our party members picks it up to give it to the once-a-woman and of course they blunder right into the trap. Well, it was some sort of massively powerful healing spell and it put the undead kid and mother right out of their misery.

"After that, there are a few more puzzles for the smart ones and then we come to a large room, there's some sort of circle with a sigil in this room, it was a summoning circle or, maybe a circle of power, either way I'm doing my job with that lion Sarr and we're looking for heads to bash while the bookish types look around, then, one of them did something and boom, there was a death elemental in that circle.

"It guesses we're here for a cure for Helena from talking with Evo and some of the others for a bit and makes us an offer: one of us, any one of us owes it a favour and it'll tell us what went into the ritual, all we have to do is find the opposite for our own ritual to cure her. Evo tries to make some other sort of offer and all of the others debate amongst themselves for a bit. The elemental, was growing increasingly and more obviously annoyed with our indecision, so I decided the hell with it and told the bloody thing I'd owe it so that our chance for getting the cure wouldn't slip away. After that it told us the list, it's some pretty obscure stuff, medusa venom, the tongue of a traitor, Rovinder has it all written down somewhere so we can start figuring out what the opposites are and where to get them.

With a sigh Valka stands and stretches, "Well, Garridan, storytime's been nice and all, but I have a caravan to ride with to the north and my associate still hasn't shown his face. See you around."
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