Level Cap


I was having trouble finding if your chapter has a level cap. Me and a few of my WA/OR buddies are looking at doing some traveling to other chapters but some of us have substantially high level characters.
Oh and what's your LCO item transfer policy. Many chapters allow LCO items, including the national event (up to 20 rits). This will also help determine what characters people play.
currently our chapter sits around level 3-5 as we have only had a couple of events under our collective belts. If you have any alternate characters around that lowbie range that would fit in perfect. I'd say 8-10 is about as high as we could go before things would get all whacky with monsters and such.
Unfortunately, many of us only have 1 character, sitting around level 20. I will discuss it with the group and see if we can't come up with some alts to play. Thanks for the quick response.
I'm sure as long as you guys didn't swoop in, kill all our noobie asses, and swoop out we'd be happy to have you guys here. :funny:

And Calgary is always a nice place to visit and if you come out for the July event, the 2 weeks leading up to the event is the 100th Anniversary of the Calgary Stampede, greatest outdoor show on Earth! It's a great tourist holiday and you end off with a weekend of LARP. What better way to spend a week?
Because it wasn't answered, I''ll chime in here and point out that LCO item transfers are not allowed in the Alberta Chapter unless requested by another chapter's plot comitee. as per the Guide to the World of Calandonia;

http://www.alliancealberta.ca/A%20guide ... ndonia.pdf

(see? sometimes it's good to be a literal-minded information hog :p )
MathGwyson said:
Because it wasn't answered, I''ll chime in here and point out that LCO item transfers are not allowed in the Alberta Chapter unless requested by another chapter's plot comitee. as per the Guide to the World of Calandonia;

http://www.alliancealberta.ca/A%20guide ... ndonia.pdf

(see? sometimes it's good to be a literal-minded information hog :p )

That's pretty much a standard rule. LCO items are always, uhm, well LOCAL Chapter ONLY. By definition of LCO it goes pretty much without saying it.
mythic said:
That's pretty much a standard rule. LCO items are always, uhm, well LOCAL Chapter ONLY. By definition of LCO it goes pretty much without saying it.

Except that the original poster wrote "Many chapters allow LCO items, including the national event (up to 20 rits)." So clearly it doesn't go without saying, and wasn't addressed in your post. I was only trying to be helpful and answer the question that was overlooked.
No big deal if you don't allow LCOs. I only asked because I know of 1 or 2 chapters who don't allow LCO transfers. Seattle and Oregon's policy allows LCO on a case by case basis. I believe San Fran is that way too. I will let you know if I can get a crew together to play low level alts.

Thanks for the prompt responses! :thumbsup:
Glad to have you if Cory clears you.