lost wolfkin


Traverse City Staff
I do not know where I am. Can someone help. Is there any eath casters around here? I really need to talk to an earth caster hopefully someone in an earth giuld.

( sighs and shakes head ) the only reliable way of travelling is by way of ship. never had these problems before comeing inland

Raz of the shadow elder.
Hello there, Raz!

You are in the kingdom of Dragonreach. I do not know where you might be specifically, but we will be having a gathering soon in the town of Valborough, which is in the northern barony of Keroshi. Perhaps if you joined us there, someone might be able to help. Are you injured? I myself am an earth scholar, as are Mathis and Mary. There are other adventurers who can heal, but they are quite skilled in fighting as well. I am sure that there must be earth guilds nearby, but I do not know of any off the top of my head. My good friend Nigel Allgood is a knight of these lands, so he might be able to help you further!

Safe Travels,
thank you and no i am not injured however after an incident with an extremely painful explosion i am in need of a new earth spell book, and i need to copy an alchemy book but i need a earth spell book more than anything. i would be willing to purchase or offer survives to pay off one. if you or one of your friend could find an extra that would be helpful. i would be extremely glad to meet up with you in Valborough. i don't have a lot of money but i should be able to make a fare offer. and if service is the price you will not find a more dedicated adventure to paying off what needs to be payed. is there anything i should look out for as i work my way to this Valborough?

I will hopefully be traveling there myself. I have a full Alchemy book if you need a copy. Banradi, I look forward to seeing you and the rest of your cousins as well.
Safe Travels

Squire Foss Siril of Wayside.