Menu for November


Greetings and Salutations! Jack/Harri, your loyal Tavern Keeper here, with details on what will be served at the November Gathering. As we will be celebrating the joyous occasion of the wedding of Baroness Elevir and Sir Morningtide at this gathering, the Saturday dinner will be a grand feast, sponsored by the happy couple. All citizens in good standing have been invited to attend.

OOG: Note that the meal plan prices have remained stable (no increase due to the Feast), and that you can purchase just the dinner, if you wish. Yes, you do need to buy a meal plan if you wish to eat the food listed below, but if you are not so inclined, please contact me at to discuss arrangements for you to bring your own food, which can be served to you at the feast.

OOG: In order to ensure that we have the correct amount of everything with the more elaborate preparations, meal plans for this event must be purchased before I do my shopping- I will be unable to accommodate purchases at the event itself. Please remember to purchase your meal plan by the pre-reg deadline (midnight the Sunday before the event). Also, in addition to the meal selection field on the pre-reg form, please go to and make your meal selections for the feast. This form information goes directly to me, reducing the burden on Logistics at their busiest time.

Throughout the Gathering:
Fresh Fruit
Other Drinks Available for Purchase-
1 copper for Lemonade, Iced tea, Milk, and House Ales & Wines
Consignment Beverages Variously Priced.

Saturday Brunch:
Quiche (Specifics TBD)
Hash Browns
Various accompaniments (honey, butter, brown sugar, berries, etc.)

Saturday Grand Feast:
Appetizers: TBD
Fruit Course: Strawberry Soup
Main Course: Choice of
Prime Rib with garlic mashed potatoes and seasonal vegetables
Chicken Marsala with pasta and seasonal vegetables
Vegetarian Lasagna with garlic bread
Dessert: A surprise provided by the Barony of Tiatar
Note: One glass of sparkling wine per person will be provided (free of charge) for toasts

Sunday Brunch:
Hash Browns
Various accompaniments (honey, butter, brown sugar, berries, etc.)
At what point do we need to let you know which course we want?
Question -- if one were to be inclined to donate some extra funds specifically for the purpose of the feast, how might one go about doing so in an expedient manner so Jack has it available for purchasing supplies?
I have received several donations to help so far. I have had many ask how to help with the feast. If you want to help, from donations to volunteering please send me a message here or on Facebook.

Thank you for all the help all of you have been. And thanks for your trust in me to pull this feast off.
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