November 2009 faves


Lots of fun stuff, not sure where to begin...

- Being much more useful in the first assault on the tower than I ever have before. Made me feel like more of a team player.
- hearing about the Cerebral Devourer's experiments. Skinner Box with a cookie for a reward = awesome.
- Emilio going void-crazy on people - Scary, epic and just plain OOG fun to watch
- The fort in general. That thing was amazing!
- Dropping two relatively powerful undead without having to use a weapon. Yay for spell power!
- Defending the fort from all the creatures and gettin' mah brain eaten by a CD. Seeing Sean gather all the packets in prep for a rebirth just made it that much more awesome when I was paralyzed and nommed on.
- NPCing the fight against Emilio's mind. Crunchies are fun!
- Rory as the Puriel Guardian. Dan, Stacy, your son is adorable.
- Running for my life when I was the only one left outside the fort besides undead when fighting Emilio's body. I didn't know I could be that fast.
I'm still kinda in shock that Jarrin's gone. He's allways been a part of my character's aventuring life. I was so upset.

Other then that....

the mirror mod. that was pretty cool...Lanna was just kinda like WTF? and at the end she was kinda like,.....Wait...all my stuff's back....YOU MEAN THAT WASN'T REAL!

The frigging.....what ever it's called that only wanted Gypsies ((Forgive me my brain's a little fuzzy)) Hearther! OMG! I love you but I soooooo hate you for that.

I just thought....most of my favoties are kinda so totaly after Jarrin's perm...that really sucks.

Bill the way Amar comforted Lanna was a mind blow for her. She didn't realize that he really cared that much. Thanks.

how the whole town just kinda got really sad. Lanna didn't realized that many people cared.

Cazz's mercenary. That was funny...How he got tooled down and Lanna just went over. "I search you for the gold we just gave you." lol.

Laying right where Nick was killing Emillio and getting tooled down and no one noticing...finaly lifed and just kinda looked around going...huh?

I really like the Deadlands chapter. kinda sucks Lanna made up her mind never to go back there. But I had a great weekend.

Thank you NPCs!!!!!!!!!!
Let me just start by saying I had a great time this weekend and a HUGE thank you to the npc's who toughed it out through some rough weather. Returning to Stoneroost and resolivng this plotline has been a really big thing for Nic, so pretty much this whole weekend can be counted as one of my fav's. Here are some particular moments that really did it for me though:

1) The anticipation as I see Gary walking toward me, white headband on, and clearly dressed as Nic's father.... it pays to send in personal plot people!

2) All things Amaranthus. This weekend was Biata bonding time for us. Much love man.

3) The mod to recover a second shard of a homestone. Collin, Nadarin, Sev, Wolf.... thank you.

4) Myrna :)

5) Awesome RP with Emilio this weekend trying to get him to turn against Void. Sean, you rock. And of course, the final defeat of Emilio's mind and body.

6) Defending a fortress! Love raiding them too, but we've done that a few times. Reversing the roles was awesome.

7) RP with Sevaria while Amaranthus was rez'ing. Someone's finally getting it!

8) Walkng back from the final fight to defeat Emilio's body. void shard tucked under my robe. Who do i see coming toward me in the dark... Air Raksa and crew. All i could think was, "Really? Did i really just survive the fight with Emilio to get jumped and killed by them?" There was a small sigh of relief when I saw Kainen beside them.

There are more, like i said this whole weekend was pretty much a fave. And just for the record..... THAT close to taking the skull off this weeked. Three of you had me within a hairs breath.
Lanna Rose said:
I really like the Deadlands chapter. kinda sucks Lanna made up her mind never to go back there. But I had a great weekend.

Thank you NPCs!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, I hear ya.

It’s one of the great challenges of having a chapter where the continent is essentially turning into hell. Why would anybody who doesn’t have to live there chose to go.

I always go with the premise that Deadlands is essentially like Ravenloft in that characters are often trying to go somewhere else, but that damn mist keeps sucking them back in.

My favs:

The first fort battle on Sunday- What a blast. Having to continually dodge, swat and get hit with arrow packets. I love seeing the PC’s lined up to defend the fort from invasion, and they did a really great job at it. It’s a great fight when both the PCs and NPCs can walk back into to town reflecting how friggin cool a fight just was.
- Also, during that fight, the frank conversation I had with Emily’s character as my orc.
“You have to actually hit me with those. You can’t just throw them in my general direction.”
“I’m working on it.”
(I get hit in the shoulder with an arrow from some other person)
“See? Like that guy.”

Getting chased through the town at night as my death rogue guy- It might not always be apparent, but it almost always freaks me out.

Hearing the reports of how the encounters and personal plot mods were going- Laughter and excitement was had in NPC camp.

Seeing the turn out and managing to not kill any NPCs from exertion- Though I’m sure a lot them feel half dead today. Great jobs, guys. On a side note: Congratulations to all the new guys coming into their own and the veterans getting back into the swing of things. I think NH’s NPC crew has come a long way since our first event.

Seeing the personal plot for Nic and Am unfold- I’m really glad you guys liked it and connected with it enough to freak out and cry.

Seeing all the players from other chapters responding to the personal plot we cooked up for them- From what I heard and saw, all the PC’s seemed to do a good job working with it.

Thanks a lot guys.
See you next season.
Oh my favs for this weekend.
Seeing peoples faces when I arrived friday night to face my charges.
Roleplay with other biata. There were so many.
blowing all 4 of my resists to avoid having to listen to Emilio on to get charmed anyways.
The Fort enough said!
Seeing pc's faces when they looked in my stone. Sorry meg didn't mean to make you cry.
least favorite thing was my perm but I will be ok.
No particular order

1. The staff, as always runs a game I want to play in, and how they screw with characters is well... BROKEN
2. Nova and Dirty Necromancers, nuff said
3. The re-breaking of Zehnyu
4. Metzlers Gryphon and the reaction to flame eviserate
more will come got to think
So my first time seeing the Kingston site, first impressions: I <3 Fort Preble.

And favs in no particular order:

-Redcloud describing how he lures Black Forest to site with candy, a sap and a cart. I was dying I was laughing so hard. Mike, you are awesome.

-Veggie shepherd’s pie! Yummy! Thank you Tim! And thank you for the presents. :D

-Having an in game dream Saturday night. I dreamt that Heather was playing an undead who had come into my cabin and charmed a bunch of friends. I went to awaken one and he goes “Parry”. I knew he did not have a spell parry so I told him that he couldn’t parry my awaken and he looked at me and in this plaintive little kid voice says “But I wanna parry the awaken!”

-Having dinner with Jones Silverspoon. Teaching him all sorts of riff raff vocabulary. I think my favorite was when he learned what take-out was, and came back for more.

-Accidentally hitting Void possessed Emilio with a cure light wounds when I was trying to hit Amaranthus who was at his feet. Seeing Sean look down where I had hit him and then look at me. I was so close to actually saying something like “No, I.. uh… wasn’t trying to hit you… uh… please don’t come kill me I’m really sorry Mr. Void” but I decided that running away was probably a better option.

-Fence hopping and getting to torment Jaimi with personal plot. Muahahahahah. It didn’t work out as intended but the look on your face when all the undead came out of NPC camp was priceless. I told you to trust us! ;)

-Giving Vry pep talks and sparring practice. :)

That’s all I have time for right now. More to come! Thank you Plot, Staff, NPCs, PCs!
Quick and dirty favs:

- Roleplay with Fever Grey. Always interesting.
- Long conversations with Nicodemus and Collin. Having these two around is perfect for Sev: two people who understand her approach to things and offer their own without regret. I love you guys.
- Collin's ressurection. That was a bit of roleplay that Sevaria will keep tucked in the back of her head, no doubt.
- Gaining XP in my new favorite skill "Run Away Like A Bitch."
- Roleplay with Qualin after his memory had been wiped of ten years; that was quietly devastating, in its own ways.
- Prison dance with Dan's huntsman, and then getting dragged to his circle afterwards. "I HAVE YOUR ORANGE ELF!"
- Watching Eric play in plot's sandbox and seeing the results. I love Scarn and House Nemesis.
- Harran! Watching Void/Emilio pull a Michael Jackson and hold Harran up at the fort's ramparts. Hanging out with him afterwards. Rory is my favorite elf/life-kin/puriel guardian/little prince.
- Kainen and Sevaria somehow avoid death by the skin of their teeth. Thank friggin' christ.
- Stupid Tengu. Stupid kilt. At least I can first aid people now.

Thanks for the good times, Deadlands. If I don't see you at Ohio in January, I'll see you in the spring.
I forgot how much fun it is to PC... and I'm so glad that both times I did it this year was at Deadlands!

in no particular order:
-getting filled in on Drenten's adventures by his friends. He leaves me criptic notes in my cabin in Caldaria, but he leaves out the fun details. Having his AA was also kinda awesome... "20 Death" is slightly less scary with a magic armor and a 20 pt suit.

-Phedre bonding with Zen Friday night, and getting to have equally as serious (and equally as bonding) conversation OOG as well. Then walking around after Emilio outside the tavern (with the circle rep around my waist and in my hands) until Zen got Vampire Charmed to get Puriel and kill anyone in the way, and I had to send the ogre running out after her so she wouldn't kill half of town and Vry.

-me, Zen and Pantzike (I can't spell your new name, I tried!) all sitting with half a foot inside a circle rep waiting for the newest thing to come into the tavern.

-Conversations with Alor & Nemesis. Planning what to do if a human pantherghast came, and discussing why Cassandra has no gender of which they are aware.

-Zen trying to reconcile her memories of the day with what she knew the day before, which was three years ago. Remembering me, and being slightly weirded out... me reminding her of Feyene's name and her getting markedly more agitated (and snarly).

-Taking Zen and her brother to the ward and a CoP to tell her what she couldn't remember so that she could just beat the **** out of the building. Telling Sevaria "We're going to the ward, if you hear screams from Zen, we're ok. If you hear screaming from us, come quick!" Making sure she wanted to hear the details from a relative stranger of the death of her life mate was a little wrenching for both of us.

-Archers and casters defending the fort. Feeling useful for being able to keep an eye on everyone from above, even when Ben's Kobold was targeting me with his 14s.

-Hanging out wit Tammy and Naoko. I <3 all of your characters Girlfriend. Jesse, yours are ok. ;) Healing Kainen with spells & wand is like the second thing that's made Phedre feel useful to someone since I started playing. Pre 4-block celestial casters are awesome to play until you blow all your spells in a single fight!

-Getting ready to leave Saturday night and being disappointed that I didn't get to play Amaranthus' wife because the players had changed the game so much. Getting back Sunday morning to be told that rather than fighting him, I'd be there as Amar's weapon against Emilio, and the AMAZING roleplay that ensued.
Bill, the change in your posture when you heard my voice doing the "we form from the crowns" count started some serious butterflies in my stomach. My hands weren't shaking by design for the first 5 minutes of that, and I thought I was going to cry, throw up, or fall over when you refused to look at me or pick your hands up off your sides, thinking I was one of the mirror-things. Some of the questions that you asked broke my heart, and I barely stopped myself from bawling like a baby on three separate occasions. It's interactions like that, making people's character histories come to life (and sometimes punch them in the gut) that make me love to NPC.

I can't wait for next season, I just have to decide whether I'm going to PC, NPC, or just fence-hop like crazy!
I absolutly love that site so much and this weekend was a ton of fun
my faves:

Deadlands said:
My favs:

- Also, during that fight, the frank conversation I had with Emily’s character as my orc.
“You have to actually hit me with those. You can’t just throw them in my general direction.”
“I’m working on it.”
(I get hit in the shoulder with an arrow from some other person)
“See? Like that guy.”

cept that wasent a guy, that was me. and it was my puny 1 elemental flame :p

having sean come up to me on friday night whispering in my ear, you see a portal open up, see your village burning and your brother calling for you. im like, oh snap, and felt a million butterflies start swarming in my stomach. that was just awsome thanks so much for that plot people.

saturday when the small group of trolls came out. i was in the tavern and some one yelled, theres trolls outside. i dropped what i was doing and went outside. and tim went, im looking for a new wife, im was like, wtf ever and tossed a dragons breath in his face only he reisted it. and that only made me more angry.

i got dropped and then when i got up, jumped right back into the fight.
and when the third group came out i was like, oh yeah gonna fight some more trolls, turn around and no body is outside but me. i was like aww dam this gonna be real bad. where the fuk everyone go??!!

on saturday night when kainen used the puriel shard to heal the 4th person and then being drained the way he was made avalon really upset then i almost bit off peoples heads just cause they asked what was wrong. espicially tammy's pc whos name escapes me at the moment, though i felt bad afterwards and i apologized to her.

during a fight with undeads on saturday, i had just helped henry finish some undead off when he suddenly reached out and i thought he was gonna say good fight or something so i took his arm only he yanked me over and behind him and i see that an undead was just about to kill me. i was like, oh ****. ><

i always like running around with jesse h, even if he's being pulled away every 5 mins by someone going "kainen, i have to talk to you."
the defense of the tower was a great battle. i liked when i was dropping my spells down on people and wishing i had a magic storm myself. when i kept pelting sean with my wand, there was this moment when he looked up at me then rifted out. i went OH ****! and ducked down real quick thinking that he was going to pop in right behind me.

during the fight to kill emilio's body, and when sean rebirthed and ran off i ran at an angle to head him off carrying my staff and thinking, i should just drop this, but if i die and dissapate, no one will find it. and when sean stopped to face the group i was there on the side and pelted him with a confine not seeing if it worked or not as gary tool me down right after.

saturday night when i was going to turn in i told kainen that i was going to bed and delaldur was going to see me to the cabin he was like, you want me to come with you. and i said, you can if you want. then just before we get to the cabin, i see two shadows coming up behind us quickly with outsaying antyhing to us. i tugged on kainen and was like , hey somthing, ohh crap! and i was so glad then that he had come with us.

another great moment for me was when kainen had just got done fighting raksa and i went you want some healing? and he was like yes i need a lot. so i gave him two lighting storms and he was like more, more!! and i only had my two lighting bolts left for him and he was like more!!! more!! and i was like, there isnt any more!!

i really enjoyed this event and i cant wait for the opener.
thanks for a really awsome season i had a lot of fun pcing and npcing

there are some pictures that i will be putting up on my facebook page when i have a chance to go through them better.
I don't post much on here anymore but I had too much fun this event to NOT share it....

In no particular order

1. Tova/Coi/Tempesta Saturday night..I haven't laughed that hard in a LONG time.
2. Casey and Meeve...Lord and Lady FlameBringer (thanks guys I was so cold)
3. Walking up to the fire, scared because of who I *think* is there..turns out it was JinMay, ChoJun, Theodin "HEY GUYS THESE AREN"T BAD GUYS!"
4. The lean to...maybe the most comfortable sleeping arrangements I've ever had at an event EVER (thank you Mike!)
5. Unarmed healer getting to kill undeads and make more gold than my armed Romani merchant character...way fun
6. Casting my first two Earth Storms (WINNING THE PRELOGIST RAFFLE)
7. Meeting Nova
8. Getting to know Miss Tova, Miss Maeve, Miss Meeve(sp?), Miss Nadarin, Coi and Miss JinMay
9. Finding out about why it would be wrong if Miss JinMay and ChoJun were brother and sister
10. The "who would you mate with of each race" conversation with Meeve and Tova (whistling at the biata paladin)
11. Hiring a mercenary
12. Getting tortured by squid faces, being charmed into telling them what Tempesta knows about the shards and numbered (Sean you make me laugh)
13. Getting berserked
14. Life spells from Miss Michiko and Elnine (sp?) Thanks guys!!!
15. JONES!!!
16. Learning about Paladar and Wynn and Markus and why it is sad that Tempesta will not get the chance to meet them
17. Trying to sing around the fire
18. Gypsy and dark elf panthergasts
19. Learning about North Fortress feasts.
20. Thrak's spicy meat
22. Everyone trying to get fake Sudupta off the hook with the fire elementals
23. Osiris (he's just so hyper) watching his guard try to keep him out of trouble
24. the catapult...although I didn't see sounded awesome...
25. all the various races...I think EVERY race was there at this last event and that just ROCKS

The best part was just seeing you all...EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU....see you all at winter feast...anyone up for Ohio winter event?
first off, THANK YOU NPC's!!!!

actually playing a nh event with my team. I missed you guys

Talks of the good ol days

almost circle rezzed. When the rope was pulled off me I thought for sure I was gonna rez, then I hear slays galore being called. thanks guys :)

My "I hate refiting my armor and singing" song

Take out!

Mordified Sun and the braided conversation. Sun and Tinker's button and trying to forget that conversation.

Seeing Amar's expression and a female biata and knowing right away what was going on.

Finally getting ig told about the TE plot.

"Wait, Sun, is that jade on your sword?"

Tinker, gonna miss him.
I missed a big one. The food! Seriously, that was prob the best food at an event I've had all year. Thanks to everyone who worked the tavern.
variations on "f*** that guy"

another road trip with Eric and Walt :D

getting to PC with Tammy and Lauren... snarkiest mixed-race table ever... I SO hope we can repeat it next year!

Sadi-morian RP, bodyguarding and implied threats

Rescuing the Golden Child

Two entirely seperate IG panic attacks so intense people were wondering if I was sick out of game...

Alor and Naoko crying while watching Amaranthus hold his wife

Niether Cassandra nor Scarn's siblings have any gender of which we are aware...

maybe more later...
Oh man, I almost forgot about the Sadeen Moor RP! The hobling scholar making friends with an almost-purelord was awesome. Hearing more about Goodfather's powers was awesome, and the School of Unlearning made my love for psychological horror go squee. Whoever created Sadeen Moor, you are magnificent and I love you.
- Thank you NPCs!!! You guys braved the wet and cold and the low numbers made you even more hardcore. Thank you to all PCs who hopped fence to give us much-needed bodies. This event was one hell of a team effort. Thank you everyone.

- Playing Cerulean again! She's still one of my favourite characters and I've been impatiently waiting for the opportunity to arise, even though she gets mixed greetings when she comes out ("it's great to see you, but something really bad probably just happened to get you out of your sword"). The last-second handshake from Nicodemus and hug from Keely before she returned to spirit form were pure awesome, not to mention the post-battle chat with Keely. Also, arguing with the Midnight Spike and Collin roleplaying right along.

- Getting nommed by Mourgrymm. Whoops!

- Bonding with Tova after she returned from her mind-messing trip, and her little gift!

- Osiris-Tavistock Funtimes. Julia's loosened up a lot since being assigned to that little ball of hyper; now it's a lot of rolled eyes and "bloody hell..." and running into battle after him. Also, getting blatantly stared at by Ren was pretty funny.

- Nadarin being invested in the circle by way of her wacky secret door and all the accompanying responsibilities. Deciding that if Vry got to be Justicar, she got to be Guildmistress.

- All things Ren. Amelia is the pinnacle of roleplay excellence. Also, she and Nadarin wear similar hats.

- Getting hit with a Stun Right Arm and continuing to fight as normal. Being a southpaw is kinda fun sometimes! Granted they wised up and hit me with a Stun Left Arm soon after, but I still got a few good hits in before that.

- 10 Massive. As I said, I've missed playing Cerulean.

- Asharah calling on her own personal goon squad, House Nemesis + Kainen & Amaranthus. I love my bad boys.

- Nicodemus and Collin. Jeff and George, you guys rock so hard.

- Nadarin's second resurrection attempt resulting in a permanent death. Merp. That's not the favourite, but the resulting roleplay with various people was great.

- Sadeen Moorian brainwashing and enslavement tactics making Nadarin feel physically ill.

- Fixing Avian with Puriel. Stupid Void.

- Seeing Kate get in Alyssa garb and hearing the plan to mess with Scarn in NPC camp and going squee!

- Qualin collecting quiet people.

- The look on Ali's face when she got Zehnyu's dragon stats.

- If Nova called Nicodemus or Amaranthus/Viera necromancers one more time I'm pretty sure Nadarin was going to turn around and punch her in the face.

- Surreal IG conversations in NPC camp.

- Fake Sudupta. "Casey's being faced with a moral dilemma? Trap!"

More to come if I think of them.
Ok some more while I procrastinate

-Seeing Osiris again and getting to give him the angry face. I love that character
-Almost immediately coming up with the solution for those who had been run through with Void only to have people react like it was the dummest idea ever. Feeling vindicated when that was in fact the fix. Ha!
-RP with Ren about various different things. Amelia is in fact a rock star.
-Acleed taking Qiu Jun-Wu hostage in exchange for booze, only to find that no one was invested in the tavern ward. The subterfuge with Jaimi's legacy gal was fun too. :)
-Vry: She's better than all of us! That totally made my night. :)
-Sean's battle as one of the giant tentacles. I felt like I was watching that scene from The Last Samurai where Tom Cruise holds off a bunch of them with a flag. Epic.
-Also during the oni fight Kainen asking where the twilight elves were if this was their racial enemy only to have me tap him on the shoulder because I was right next to him. Him telling me to get in there and kill it, me asking if I could borrow his golem for a few. Now if only the Twilight Elves had one non-caster among their ranks... *winkwinknudgenudge*
-Boulders + catapult = awesome
-Scarn teaching Harran how to go for the ankles. When he's actually playing in 15 years and he starts kicking people, his defense is totally going to be "That's how Eric taught me to fight!" I can see it now.
-Getting loved to Theodin during the last wave battle. That could have been much more awkward. We must try it again sometime! ;)
-All things Brightoak. :)

K, enough procrastinating.
Flyaway Bird said:

- The look on Ali's face when she got Zehnyu's dragon stats.

I believe the words that incompass this are "DING! Upgrade Completed." :twisted:

I'll be posting my favorites probably around Monday, when I get back from FL.

another favorite was johnathan the werewolf, gary you are to funny when you come out as him.

and that night when i was getting ready for bed, i heard a tapping at the window and saw johnathan going hey you see a were wolf out here, i mean besides me?
me: nope
him: cause i smell him, and i smell feathers
and then i make a shocked look on my face and point behind him and he turns around. then while im laughing im thinking in my head: probabbly not a good idea to taunt a werewolf.

saturday night i turned in early and when michigo came in, she had her back to my bunk and didnt see me roll over and grab her shoulder. lol, she must have jumped 3 feet. <3 u :p
Just wait. I'll get you my pretty! And your little dog too!