Searching for the mystic wood elf

You came to me last market day and told me of alt forging. I did not catch your name. You said to find you if i needed anything. Looking for you now!!!!
I don't know if I'm THE Mystic Wood Elf, but I'm pretty sure I'm the guy you're looking for. Name's Pike. Whatcha got for me?

Blacksmith Extraordinaire
I was wondering if ironwood and essence of the hunter can be use together in a single weapon? also any other ingredients? and how can one make weapons from other materials like gems and crystals? And where can I find ironwood and essence of the hunter?
Ironwood, you're on your own. I haven't seen any in years. It's not like there are big forests full of ironwood trees anywhere, there are just certain chunks of wood in particularly old and powerful trees that have an innate bit of magic to them. Like I told you before, the more you work the wood, the more of that magic you can draw out - if you get a piece of the right size, you can make a shield or a blunt weapon that's basically indestructible.

The hunter's essence is a weird sort of oil. I'm not exactly sure where it comes from but sometimes you can extract some from big magical predators. Working with it is a little less straight-forward than the ironwood... I can write up a recipe for you if you can get me a sample of that crystal large enough for a blade or two. I don't know if it'll actually be useful for anything, but I'd love to take a look at it, and maybe we can work together to figure something out. Never pass up a chance to work with a skilled Dwarven smith, I say.

As for combining materials, it's a little tricky. We can talk specifics once you get me some of that crystal - I can't go giving away all of my secrets.

If I knew, I wouldn't be asking you to get it! It exploded down from the sky, right, so it should be spread out all over the place.

Thank you for answering my request and making the journey out to the market day and sharing your expertise. I'm sorry our meeting was so brief. Please give my warmest regards to Eleanor. We'll see if we can locate a crystal for you.

-Draco Ardel
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