Secrets of the Celestial Magi


I really like the article. Thanks for posting it. It has a lot of useful information, some of which I've used quite a bit in my own techniques. For me Stormchanting generally starts mid tree and goes either direction, either ramping up or down. From my experience as a celestial caster, I have a couple of things to add!

  • Combination, Variation, and Forcing Choices
This usually applies when dealing with a foe that has multiple smart defenses like resists, dodges or phases. Knowing what spells to throw at a something like this can force it to make choices it otherwise wouldn't. For example, hitting a large monster with these defenses with a Stone Bolt or even a Flame Bolt, may not be enough for it to burn one of the defenses it would rather spend on something bigger, like a Slay or a Dragon's Breath. Spells 6th level and up are generally big enough to get the attention of the monster in order to force a Resist or Cloak call. What this means, is that some of the high level boom spells may end up being soaked up on Resists, and the lower level spells can be used for burning things down. Flame Bolts are great damage, and a very easy spell to incant! Once you have their attention with a big enough spell to suck up a resist, you may quickly combine a lower level spell in order to get the monster to panic and blow a Resist on the lower one as well. Bouncing around your tree as you unleash magical hell on a bad guy can cause your foe's head to spin, trying to figure out what to Resist and what to take in the storm of combat. Either way, you force the monster to make a choice it probably wasn't ready to make, and by that you force it into a mistake.

  • Going to War With Three Bullets in your Gun
Spells are a finite resource. Because of this, there is this eternal puzzle of knowing when to hold 'em. Wands are a great secondary form of attack that can cause great annoyance to your foe, and cause them to move erratically. Scrolls and other consumables are great to have a stockpile of as well, and are great uses of your resources to get ahold of. The idea here, is when you do pull your real spells out, you have to make them count. As was mentioned earlier in the article, know your ranges, and mind your incants. Nothing hurts more than throwing a spell and either flubbing an incant or missing your target. As a celestial mage, you have the ability to punch something in the face really hard. If you do, you may not have spells for later in the day. Be patient and look for a good opportunity.
When specifically facing those baddies of the "Extra Large" variety, another side to this could be that if you have started throwing spells at a bad guy, it is important not to let up. Put them on the defensive and go for the throat. The moment you let up, the bad guy will be able to recover. It could mean the difference between a killing him dead (or deader) and fleeing the fight.

  • You are not your Effing Khakis
Spells may be what you do, but they aren't who you are. Just because you are low or out of spells it doesn't make you worthless. Have something you can do that doesn't require you tossing magical energy around. If that's as simple as battlefield triage with potions, or even being damn good at negotiations, it will give you something to work with beyond sitting around in a cabin. Many scholars take up one handed edged in order to participate in combat. Even with no spells, just being around when you run out, you can drag bodies to safety or a healer. You can make an enormous difference even without your magic. Just use your head and stay frosty, and you'll get through it.

I suppose I could go on for a while with different things (Bindomancy and sit-down effects becoming less effective as monsters get more powerful, offensive use of defensive spells and buffs etc), but those may be for a separate article.

Great job with what you have!
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Wow, thanks Fade, I knew you would have good comments, and hopefully soon I can prod your brain for more hints. :) I think also if you wanted to write a follow up, it would be a great asset.
I would add a tactic to this, building off of a comment Fade put in.

  • Stick it to 'em
Wands are *great*. The damage is elemental, not magical. That means that a different set of shield applies to them. In the most recent event, I came close to burning (actually stoneing) down a bug few others could hurt. It was tough against physical damage, and had spell defenses. However it had nothing to protect it from elemental. If you can carry multiple wands, you also have flexibility. You are an elemental's worst nightmare when you can always throw the opposite of what he is. Lastly, once you start getting your 9th circle spells your damage goes up. I look forward to the day I can toss sword damage (or higher).
  • You are not your Effing Khakis (part 2) a.k.a. Fake it till you make it
Let me set the scene for you. The town is defending some of our high ogre allies from hostile ogres at night. Our main line is holding, but looking frayed. I'm in the second line as always, spacket in hand. A new ogre steps up and prepares to flank one of our shield fighters (who is already very engaged.) I loudly shout "I've got that one Sir Morningtide!" and reared back to throw. The ogre turns his attention to me ready to dodge, and is promptly chopped into hamburger by Squire Frank (I think, may have been someone else). The poor ogre never knew the only spell I had left was a Magic Armor. :) You are not your spell tree, just being there can make a difference.

Noland Gregory
a.k.a. Apprentice William of Shadyside
Let me set the scene for you. The town is defending some of our high ogre allies from hostile ogres at night. Our main line is holding, but looking frayed. I'm in the second line as always, spacket in hand. A new ogre steps up and prepares to flank one of our shield fighters (who is already very engaged.) I loudly shout "I've got that one Sir Morningtide!" and reared back to throw. The ogre turns his attention to me ready to dodge, and is promptly chopped into hamburger by Squire Frank (I think, may have been someone else). The poor ogre never knew the only spell I had left was a Magic Armor. :) You are not your spell tree, just being there can make a difference.

Have actually used that tactic several times when protecting a person refitting or some other like situation, old up spell packet look menacing and very often the bad thing decides to look else where. ( of course occasionally they call my bluff and then its runaway time lol)