Somthing is wrong with the shipments


From the desk of the Secondary assistant to the Tetiary Quartermaster of the Order of the Iron Anvil, Artisan Cedrik

I was going over my ledger and I was wondering, do you realize the numbers going into Gaden? Dagger shipments have increased %30 from two months ago. The light scrolls, O the light scrolls. Don't even get me started. We have sent four times the number of reams of lights to the front in the last month. Alchemical solvents are up too. Why anyone needs more than two wagon loads of alchemical solvents ever three months is beyond me.

- Secondary assistant to the Tetiary Quartermaster of the Order of the Iron Anvil, Artisan Cedrik
Do not worry yourself about such things Cedrick, it is a small price to pay for the continued safety of our country. Such supplies are vital to the continued strength of our neighbor to the the south.

- Meddrack Sortien
Artisan Cedrik & Goodman Meddrack Sortien,

I happen be traveling through your lands in search for a new permanent location for setting up my forge and I gather from your discussion of weapons & supplies that you may need the services of a qualified Blacksmith's like myself. And if I may, perhaps we could discuss some kind of mutually beneficial arrangement in these regards.

- Tazoulti Strongbeard
Traveling Smith
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